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Original BP record

Index: 145.13 / 145.4 145.4 630
Index bis: 145.13 / 145.4 P. Bala'izah 130 App. P. Lond. Copt. I, 1079 145.4 P. Berol. Inv. 7883; 7884; 7898 P. Lond. V, 1739; 1741; 1752 P. Prag. I, 27; 79 P. Princ. II, 92 S.P.P. III2, 465; 474; X, 64B
Titre: GONIS Nikolaos, Reconsidering Some Fiscal Documents from Early Islamic Egypt III.
Publication: ZPE 169 (2009) pp. 197-208, 1 fig.
Résumé: Continued from: ZPE 150 (2004) pp. 187-193, 2 figg. - 12. B.M. (= 'P. Lond. Copt. I') 1079 = S.B. XXII, 15711. - 13. P. Bal. [P. Bala'izah] 130 App.: entagia produced 'at home'. - 14. P. Lond. V, 1739, (1741,) P. Prag. I, 79, S.P.P. III2, 465: Provenance. - 15. P. Lond. V, 1752: A prompt payment of dapane in wheat. - 16. P. Prag. I, 27: A tax receipt of 741. - 17. P. Princ. II, 92: A hidden deacon and other new readings. - 18. [P. Berol. Inv. 7884 =] S.B. XVIII, 13272: No money, no taxes, but a crux. - 19. [P. Berol. Inv. 7898 =] S.B. XX, 14235: Provenance. - 20. [P. Berol. Inv. 7883 =] S.B. XX, 14236: A curious 'order to pay'. - 21. S.P.P. III2, 474: An amir and his charge. - 22. S.P.P. X, 64B. 4-5. An unrecognized entagion and a pagarch of the Fayum.
No: 2009-0181


77702. Nikolaos Gonis, "Reconsidering Some Fiscal Documents from Early Islamic Egypt III.," ZPE, 169 (2009), pp. 197-208. [xml] [edit]

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