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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 690 714
Index bis: 145.4 P. Oxy. LXIII, 4397
Titre: URBANIK Jakub, P. Oxy. LXIII 4397: The Monastery Comes First or Pious Reasons before Earthly Securities.
Publication: Anne BOUD'HORS, James CLACKSON, Catherine LOUIS and Petra SIJPESTEIJN (Edited by), Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt. Ostraca, Papyri, and Essays in Memory of Sarah Clackson (P. Clackson) = American Studies in Papyrology. 46 (Cincinnati, Ohio, 2009) pp. 225-235.
Résumé: P. Oxy. LXIII, 4397: the legal content of the deed and the choice of an "alternative dispute resolution". - Bibliography.
No: 2009-0463


77984. Jakub Urbanik, "P. Oxy. LXIII 4397: The Monastery Comes First or Pious Reasons before Earthly Securities." in Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt. Ostraca, Papyri, and Essays in Memory of Sarah Clackson (P. Clackson)., 225-235. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P. Oxy. LXIII 4397