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Original BP record

Index: 143.5 145.5 630 670
Index bis: 143.5 T. LACMA Inv. M80-202-488 145.5 P. Mich. VII, 462
Titre: VAN MINNEN Peter and Klaas A. WORP, A Latin Manumission Tax Tablet in Los Angeles. Avec résumé en anglais.
Publication: BASP 46 (2009) pp. 15-22.
Résumé: T. LACMA [Los Angeles County Museum of Art] Inv. M80-202-488. May derive from the Michaelides collection. Payment of the manumission tax (vicesima libertatis). Provenance unknown, late second / third century. - P. 19: improved text of P. Mich. VII, 462.
No: 2009-0471


77992. Peter Van Minnen and Klaas A. Worp, "A Latin Manumission Tax Tablet in Los Angeles. Avec résumé en anglais.," BASP, 46 (2009), pp. 15-22. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P. Mich. VII 462