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Index: 145.4 640 714
Index bis: 145.4 P. Dublin 32; 33; 34
Titre: WIPSZYCKA Ewa, Monks and Monastic Dwellings. P. Dubl. 32-34, P. KRU 105 and BL Ms.Or. 6201-6206 Revisited.
Publication: Anne BOUD'HORS, James CLACKSON, Catherine LOUIS and Petra SIJPESTEIJN (Edited by), Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt. Ostraca, Papyri, and Essays in Memory of Sarah Clackson (P. Clackson) = American Studies in Papyrology. 46 (Cincinnati, Ohio, 2009) pp. 236-243.
Résumé: 1. Did monks need to secure their right of ownership on desert land? - 2. Deeds of sale of monastic dwellings [P. Dublin 32-34]. - Bibliography.
No: 2009-0494


78015. Ewa Wipszycka, "Monks and Monastic Dwellings. P. Dubl. 32-34, P. KRU 105 and BL Ms.Or. 6201-6206 Revisited." in Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt. Ostraca, Papyri, and Essays in Memory of Sarah Clackson (P. Clackson)., 236-243. [xml] [edit]