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Original BP record

Index: 142.4 146 630
Index bis: 142.4 O. Ups. Victoria Mus. Inv. 653; 754; 920; 966; 1127; 1133; 1243; 1361; 1362; 1383; 1589; 2382; 2440; 2444; 2505; 2555
Titre: HICKEY Todd, Ostraca Upsaliensia (Part I). Avec résumé en anglais.
Publication: ArchPF 56 (2010) pp. 258-273, 1 tabl. et pll. VIII[b] - XVI[a].
Résumé: 16 Greek ostraka from the collection of the Victoria Museum of Egyptian Antiquities at Uppsala University. - 1. Inv. 1127. A poll tax receipt from Roman Elephantine. 23.viii.79. - 2. Inv. 966. A poll tax receipt from Roman Edfu. Probably 107. - 3-16. Receipts from Roman Thebes. - 3-4. From the dossier of Nepheros and his sons. - 3. Inv. 653. Receipt for the poll and bath taxes. 12.v.88. - 4. Inv. 1589. Receipt for the bath tax. - 5-12. Receipts for payments of money taxes. - 5. Inv. 2440. Receipt for the poll and bath taxes. 15.viii.44. - 6-7. Two receipts from the dossier of Pamonthes, son of Haryothes. - 6. Inv. 1243. Receipt for the poll and bath taxes. 29.iii.50(?). - 7. Inv. 920. Receipt for the poll and bath taxes. 11.ix.56. - 8. Inv. 1383. Receipt for the dike (and bath taxes). 17.viii.113. - 9. Inv. 1361. Receipt for the dike and bath taxes. 19.ix.117. - 10. Inv. 2505. Receipt for a tax on two mummies. 15(?).vii.127. - 11. Inv. 2444. Receipt for the dike and bath taxes. 1.xii.149. - 12. Inv. 2382. Receipt for the tax on weavers. 21.ii.167. - 13-16. Receipts for tax payments in kind. - 13. Inv. 1362. Receipt for payment to the granary of the villages. 13.viii.151. - 14-16. From the dossier of Panameus, son of Pekysis. - 14. Inv. 754. Receipt for payment to the granary of the villages. 28.v.192. - 15. Inv. 1133. Receipt for payment to the granary of the villages. 194. - 16. Inv. 2555. Receipt for payment to the granary of the villages.
No: 2010-0305


78505. Todd Hickey, "Ostraca Upsaliensia (Part I). Avec résumé en anglais.," ArchPF, 56 (2010), pp. 258-273. [xml] [edit]