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Original BP record

Index: 142.13 / 142.4 241 Nubie 810
Index bis: 142.13 / 142.4 O. Abdel Qadir
Titre: RUFFINI Giovanni, Nubian Ostraka from the West Bank Survey.
Publication: ZPE 175 (2010) pp. 231-238.
Résumé: UNESCO - Sudan Antiquities Service Survey, 1960-1965 (in anticipation of the flooding of the region by the Aswan High Dam). - Edition of 14 ostraka, written in Greek, Coptic, and Old Nubian (Abdel Qadir, Nubia, 8th century) [descr.: William Y. ADAMS, The West Bank Survey from Faras to Gemai. 3. Sites of Christian Age = Sudan Archaeological Research Society. Publication 14 = BAR International Series. 1421 (Oxford, 2005) pp. 182-184]. - House 5-0-15 (1-10). - Wineshop 5-0-16 (11). - Church 5-0-14 (12). - Factory 24-E-21 (13). - Village 5-X-1 (14). - Conclusion.
No: 2010-0374


78683. Giovanni Ruffini, "Nubian Ostraka from the West Bank Survey.," ZPE, 175 (2010), pp. 231-238. [xml] [edit]

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