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Original BP record

Index: 145.12 / 145.4 P. Cair. Inv. 10313 + 10328 + 30961 145.4 U.P.Z. I, 79 361.2 / 364 Epistulae 364 Somnium Nectanebi 411 712
Titre: KIDD Stephen, Dreams in Bilingual Papyri from the Ptolemaic Period. Avec résumé en anglais.
Publication: BASP 48 (2011) pp. 113-130.
Résumé: Ptolemaic papyri of bilingual (or bilinguals') dreams. Analyses in part. P. Cair. Inv. 10313 + 10328 + 30961 (= W.Chrest. 50) [re-ed.: Gil H. RENBERG and Franziska NAETHER, "I Celebrated a Fine Day". An Overlooked Egyptian Phrase in a Bilingual Letter Preserving a Dream Narrative, ZPE 175 (2010) pp. 49-71, 2 pll.], U.P.Z. I, 79, and the copy of the "Dream of Nectanebo" in U.P.Z. I, 81 (= M.-P.3 2476; LDAB 6863). - Linguistic dream interpretation. - Dream books and dream languages.
No: 2011-0245


80008. Stephen Kidd, "Dreams in Bilingual Papyri from the Ptolemaic Period. Avec résumé en anglais.," BASP, 48 (2011), pp. 113-130. [xml] [edit]

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