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Original BP record

Index: 140
Titre: Ast Rodney and James Cowey (Edd.), Bulletin of Online Emendations to Papyri Version 1.1 (February 6, 2012).
Publication: Heidelberg, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie, 2012, 3 pp. [Uniquement accessible en ligne, en téléchargement gratuit: < >.]
Résumé: Emendations appearing in this bulletin have been entered online at via the Papyrological Editor (PE), and have been vetted by members of the PE's editorial board. The list contains corrections [by R. Ast, G. Claytor, H. Cuvigny, A. Delattre, N. Gonis, A.E. Hanson, P. Heilporn, F.A.J. Hoogendijk, M. Malouta, N. Quenouille, D. Ratzan, J. Rea and M. Vierros] that were adopted prior to February 6, 2012. These emendations have not appeared previously in print and are presented together for ease of reference and review.
No: 2012-0002


80207. Rodney Ast and James Cowey, Bulletin of Online Emendations to Papyri [BOEP]. Version 1.1 (February 6, 2012)., (Heidelberg 2012). [xml] [edit]