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Original BP record

Index: 141.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. Yale Inv. 153; 610; 1364; 2989; 4187; 4705
Titre: Amin Benaissa, Frustula Beineckiana.
Publication: ArchPF 60 (2014) pp. 196-208, 1 fig. coul.
Résumé: 1. P. CtYBR [P. Yale] Inv. 1364. Administrative Letter. Provenance unknown, late fourth or early fifth century. - 2. Inv. 153. Work Contract. Oxyrhynchite nome, sixth century. - 3. Inv. 610. Loan of Wheat. Arsinoite nome?, sixth century. - 4. Inv. 4187. Loan or Sale on Delivery of Wine. Arsinoite nome, seventh century. - 5. Inv. 4705. Invocation and Dating Formula (Scribal Practice?). Hermopolite nome?, 31 Dec. or 1 Jan. 602-609. - 6. Inv. 2989. Receipt Between Monks. Hermopolite nome, late sixth century. - Avec résumé en anglais.
No: 2014-0246


86388. Amin Benaissa, "Frustula Beineckiana.," ArchPF, 60 (2014), pp. 196-208. [xml] [edit]