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Original BP record

Index: 142.4 630
Index bis: 142.4 O. Cair. Inv. SR 18955
Titre: Shereen A. Aly, Eight Greek Ostraca from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
Publication: ZPE 192 (2014) pp. 193-203, 9 figg.
Résumé: The 8 ostraca come from Elephantine and are dated to the 2nd and 3rd centuries. All of them are housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo under the S.R. 18955. - 1. Receipt of poll-tax. 18 September, 113 AD. - 2. Receipt for the assessment of river-guards. 27 Jan.-25 Feb., 136 AD. - 3. Receipt for poll-tax and for μερισμὸς ἀνακεχωρηκότων, 139/140 AD. - 4. Receipt for unspecified merismo, 8 October, 146 AD. - 5. Receipt for survey-tax on date-land, 150-158 AD. - 6. Receipt for survey-tax on date-land, 30 December, 164 AD. - 7. Receipt for an assessment of statues and busts of the emperors and of the assessment of watch-towers. 161/164 AD. - 8. Receipt for poll-tax and trade-tax. 29 February, 216 AD.
No: 2014-0229


86864. Shereen A. Aly, "Eight Greek Ostraca from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.," ZPE, 192 (2014), pp. 193-203. [xml] [edit]