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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 660
Index bis: 141.4 P. Vindob. Graec. Inv. 40267
Titre: Scott Gallimore, A Contract for the Advanced Sale of Wine.
Publication: BASP 49 (2012) pp. 151-165, 1 fig., 1 pl.
Résumé: Arsinoite nome, VI/VII century CE (?). [- Text and commentary.] - Discussion. - Guarantee Clauses in Wine Contracts. - Supply of Jars in Wine Contracts. - Conclusions. - Avec résumé en anglais.
No: 2012-0773


95444. Scott Gallimore, "A Contract for the advanced sale of wine," BASP, 49 (2012), pp. 151-165. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P.Vindob. inv. G 40267