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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 630
Index bis: 141.4 P. Mich. Inv. 5822; 5828 + 5925z30; 5830a; 5838p + 5925z28; 5838q; 5838r; 5838s + 5925h; 5843; 5855b; 5855h; 5855i
Titre: W. Graham Claytor, Penthemeros Certificates from the Granary C123, Karanis.
Publication: BASP 50 (2013) pp. 49-75, 11 figg.
Résumé: 1. P. Mich. Inv. 5822. Penthemeros Certificate with Fraudulence Clause. Karanis, 87/8 CE. - 2. Inv. 5925z28 + 5838p. Penthemeros Certificate Issued to Pnepheros. Karanis, 90/1 CE. - 3. Inv. 5838q. Penthemeros Certificate Issued to Satabous. Karanis, 96/7 CE. - 4. Inv. 5925h + 5838s. Penthemeros Certificate Issued to Pnepheros. Karanis, 18 June 115 CE. - 5. Inv. 5830a. Penthemeros Certificate Issued to Psenobastis. Karanis, 18 June 115 CE. - 6. Inv. 5828 + 5925z30. Penthemeros Certificate Issued to a Son of Pnepheros. Karanis, 7 November 128 CE. - 7. Inv. 5855h. Penthemeros Certificate Issued to Pnepheros as Substitute. Karanis, 6 September 129 CE. - 8. Inv. 5838r. Penthemeros Certificate Issued to Kames. Karanis, ca. 129-131 CE. - 9. Inv. 5855b. Penthemeros Certificate Issued to Kames. Karanis, 4 April 131 CE. - 10. Inv. 5843. Penthemeros Certificate Issued to Pnepheros. Karanis, 19 October 131 CE. - P. 75: Addendum: description of P. Mich. Inv. 5855i, another penthemeros certificate from the Granary C123, fourth (less likely, third) year of Hadrian's reign. - Avec résumé en anglais.
No: 2013-0418


95472. W. Graham Claytor, "Penthemeros Certificates from the Granary C123, Karanis.," BASP, 50 (2013), pp. 49-75. [xml] [edit]