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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 146 620
Index bis: 141.4 P. London Univ. College Inv. 31916
Titre: Lincoln H. Blumell & Chiara Aliberti, A Case of Ptolemaic Quid Pro Quo from the Phaies Archive.
Publication: AncSoc 48 (2018) pp. 1-8.
Résumé: P. London Univ. College Inv. 31916. Ptolemaic hypomnema belonging to the archive of the oikonomos Phaies (late III BC) and coming from cartonnage unearthed by W.M.F. Petrie at Gurob. The text seems to be a semi-formal request to join the ἐφοδεία, an office subordinate to the οἰκονόμος.
No: 2018-0219


95694. Lincoln H. Blumell and Chiara Aliberti, "A case of Ptolemaic quid pro quo from the Phaies archive," AncSoc, 48 (2018), pp. 1-8. [xml] [edit]

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UC 31916