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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 630
Index bis: 141.4 P. Cair. Inv. 10819 = P. Fay. 221 descr.; 10835 = P. Fay. 286 descr.; 10836 = P. Fay. 287 descr.; 10838 = P. Fay. 289 descr.; 10839 = P. Fay. 290 descr.
Titre: Eman A. Abd-Elhady, Usama Gad & Cassandre Hartenstein, Five Penthemeros Certificates from the Cairo Museum.
Publication: BASP 54 (2017) pp. 59-82, figg.
Résumé: General Introduction. - 1. First Century Penthemeros Certificate on Behalf of Euhemereia. P. Cair. Inv. 10835 = P. Fay. 286 descr. Euhemereia, 51-52 CE (?). - 2. Penthemeros Certificate on Behalf of Athenas Kome. P. Cair. Inv. 10836 = P. Fay. 287 descr. Euhemereia, Febr. 27 - March 3, 153 CE. - 3. Penthemeros Certificate on Behalf of Athenas Kome. P. Cair. Inv. 10819 = P. Fay. 221 descr. Euhemereia, March-July, 161 CE. - 4. Penthemeros Certificate on Behalf of Psenyris (?). P. Cair. Inv. 10838 = P. Fay. 289 descr. Euhemereia, May 24-27, 192 CE. - 5. Penthemeros Certificate on Behalf of Euhemeria. P. Cair. Inv. 10839 = P. Fay. 290 descr. Euhemereia, May 10-14, 195 CE.
No: 2017-0151


95779. Eman A. Abd-Elhady, Usama Gad, and Cassandre Hartenstein, "Five penthemeros certificates from the Cairo Museum," BASP, 54 (2017), pp. 59-82. [xml] [edit]