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Original BP record

Index: 140 141.4 142.4 145.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. Cornell 34 verso descr. 142.4 O. Did. 37 descr. 145.4 O. Ber. II, 226
Titre: Rodney Ast, Lajos Berkes & James M.S. Cowey (edd.), Bulletin of Online Emendations to Papyri [BOEP]. Version 6.1 (March 22, 2017).
Publication: Heidelberg, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie, 2017, 3 pp.
Résumé: Emendations appearing in this bulletin have been entered online at via the Papyrological Editor (PE), and have been vetted by members of the PE's editorial board. The list contains corrections [by R. Ast, S. Baribeau, G. Bastianini, A. Boud'hors, W.G. Claytor, K. Dosoo, M. Elmaghrabi, U. Gad, D. Hagedorn, P. Heilporn, A. High, D. Internullo, P. James, K. Kankaanpää, N. Litinas, N. Quenouille, R. Scholl, D. Squire, M. Vierros, C. Weilbach] that were adopted between January 7, 2016 and March 22, 2017. - At the end of the bulletin, notice is given of several papyri which have been edited for the first time using the PE. These are full editions, consisting of introduction, text, translation, and commentary: P. Cornell 34 verso descr. [by N. Litinas], O. Did. 37 descr. [by H. Cuvigny] and O. Ber. II, 226 [by R. Ast & R.S. Bagnall].
No: 2017-0030


96241. Rodney Ast, Lajos Berkes, and James Cowey, Bulletin of Online Emendations to Papyri [BOEP]. Version 6.1 (March 22, 2017)., (Heidelberg 2017). [xml] [edit]