sign in

Trismegistos 828809 = LDAB 828809


This edition by M. Fressura and D. Mantovani was produced in the context of the ERC project REDHIS (Adv.Gr. nr. 341102, P.I. D. Mantovani). Suggestions and remarks communicated to the REDHIS staff and leading to an improvement of the texts will be most welcome and fully acknowledged: please contact D. Mantovani (

DCLP transcription: 828809 [xml]

[29 lines missing]
30[- ca.26 - pos] -
[sessoris: quod et in P]ubliciana ob-
[servatur. superficiar[  ̣]  ̣⟧\io/,
[Paulus libro vicensimo] primo ạ[d]
[edictum. id est qui in alien]o solo [su-]
5[perficiem ita habeat, ut certa]ṃ pen-
[sionem praestet]
[24 lines missing]
non maṛị[to donavit per epistulam]
et eunde[m fundum ab eo condu-]
xit: poss[e defendi in rem ei compe-]
[te]re, qu[asi per ipsam adquisierit pos-]
10[se]ssio[nem veluti per colonam. pro-]
[ponebatur - ca.20 -]
[24 lines missing]

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