sign in

p.lond.4.1345 = HGV P.Lond. 4 1345 = Trismegistos 19803

DDbDP transcription: p.lond.4.1345 [xml]

AD 710 Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1φ̣οβουμένο[υς] τὸν Θεὸν καὶ φυλάττοντας τὸ δ̣ίκ̣[αιον καὶ]
τὴν ἰ(*)σότητα ἐφʼ ᾧ διαστεῖλαι δι(*)ʼ [α]ὐτῶν τ[ὸ ταγὲν]
πό’σον πρὸ[ς] τ[  ̣]ε̣ρ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]ε̣ρ̣ ἐχ̣είρησεν ἕκα[στος(?)]
καὶ πρὸς’ τὴν δύναμιν αὐτο\ῦ/ ⁦ vac. ? ⁩ παρασκευάζων
5τὸν ἐπίσκοπον μετὰ καὶ ἑτέρων τεσσάρων προσώπω(ν)
ἐμφανῶν τῆς διοικήσεώς σ[ο]\υ/ ε̣ἰ̣[ς] ε̣  ̣  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
αὐτοῖς ἐν τῇ τοιαύτῃ διαστολῇ ⁦ vac. ? ⁩ κ(αὶ) αὐτῶν ταύτην
ἐκτελούντων ἀπ[όσ]τ̣ε̣ι̣λ̣ον πρὸς ἡμᾶς καταγραν̣φον(*)
περιέχων(*) τί ἔλαχεν ἑκάστῳ προσώπῳ α[ὐ]τῶν
10φανεροποιῶν ἡμῖν ἐν αὐτῷ τήν τε ὀνομασίαν καὶ
πατρωνοιμίαν(*) καὶ κ[α]τ[ὰ] χ̣[ω]ρ̣[ίο]ν τῶν διαστει̣λ̣[άντων]
τὴν τοιαύτην ζημίαν. μὴ γνωσθῇ δὲ ἡμῖν
ὡς ἠπαίτησάς(*) τι τὸ καθόλο\υ/ τοὺς τῆς διοικήσεώς σο\υ/
ὑπὲρ τῆς θεματισθείσης διὰ σο\ῦ/ ζημία[ς] ἢ
15συνῆλθες ἢ’ καὶ ἀντεπάθησας τὸ σύνολόν τινι
ἐν τῇ διαστολῇ τῆς τοιαύτης ζη[μ]ίας.
ἐπιστάμεθα γὰρ ὡς οἱ μέλλοντες διασ’τεῖλαι ταύτην
οὐ’ μὴ παρακούσωσί[ν] σ̣[ο]\υ/ ἔν τινι ἐπιτρε[πο]μένῳ
αὐτοῖς παρὰ σο\ῦ/ καὶ ἐὰν εὕρωμεν αὐτοὺς ἐλαφρώ̣σ[α]ν[τ](ας)
20τινα συμπαθοῦντας’ αὐτῷ ἢ βαρέσαντας ἀντιπαθοῦντες(*)
μέλ’λομεν ἀποδοῦναι’ αὐτοῖς σωματικῶς καὶ ὑποστατικ̣[ῶ](ς)
κελεύσει Θεο\ῦ/. λοιπὸν διαμάρτυραι αὐ(*)τοὺς
παραγγέλλων περὶ τούτο\υ/ οὐ(*) μὴν ἀλ̣λὰ καὶ το[ῦ] μὴ
ἐκτάξαι διά τινος τῶν ὑπουργῶν ὑπὲρ δύναμιν ὅτε
25καὶ πόρρω’ αὐτῶν ὑπάρχει καὶ οὐ συνπαρείη α[ὐ]τοῖς
εἰς τὴν διαστολὴν τῆς’ λεχθείσης ζημίας ἀλλὰ φυλάξαι
ἑκάστῳ τὸ δίκαιον ὡς εἴρηται καὶ πρὸς δύναμι[ν ἐ]κ̣τάξαι
αὐτὸν παρασκευάζων τοὺς διαστέλλοντας τὴν εἰρημ̣έ(νην)
ζημίαν π’ρωτοτύπως ποιῆσαι ἔγγραφον [ὁμ]ολόγη̣[μα]
30σαφηνίζον’τες ἐν αὐτῷ ὡς εἰ’ φανῶσι μετὰ τὴν
διαστολὴν τάξαντες διά τινος ὑπὲρ’ τὴν δύναμιν
αὐ(*)τοῦ καὶ ἐλαφρώσαν’τες ἕτερον ἵνα οὗτοι ἰ[σο]κινδύνως
πληρώσωσι τὸ’ ὑπολοιπαζόμενον διὰ τοῦ̣ β̣αρεθέντ(ος)
προσώπου’ ἐν τῇ ἐκταγῇ αὐτῶν, ὑποκεῖ[σθ]αι δὲ
35αὐτοὺς καὶ μεγάλης ἀνταποδόσεως
ὑπὲρ παρακοῆς καὶ καταφρονήσεως
τῆς κελεύσεως ἡμῶν. καὶ τὸ τοιοῦτο ὁ̣[μ]ολόγημ[α]
πέμψον πρὸς ἡμᾶς’ σὺν τῇ καταγραφῇ τοῦ
ἐπιλαχέντος πόσο\υ/ ὑπὲρ ζημίας διʼ ἑκάστου
40προσώπου. ἐγρ(άφη) μη(νὸς) Τῦ(βι) ϛ ἰ(ν)δ(ικτίονος) η
δ(ιὰ) Βα[σι]λ̣[ε]ί̣[ο]\υ/ νο(μίσματα) σ
δ̣(ιὰ) τ(ῶν) [ὑ]πουργῶ(ν) νο(μίσματα) σ
γ̣ί(νεται) ν̣ο̣(μίσματα(?)) υ̣.


^ 2. ϊσοτητα papyrus
^ 2. δϊʼ papyrus
^ 3. πο’σον papyrus
^ 4. προσ’ papyrus
^ 8. l. κατάγραφον
^ 9. l. περιέχον
^ 11. l. πατρωνυμίαν
^ 13. l. ἀπῄτησάς
^ 15. η’ papyrus
^ 17. διασ’τειλαι papyrus
^ 18. ου’ papyrus
^ 20. συμπαθουντασ’ papyrus
^ 20. l. ἀντιπαθοῦντας
^ 21. μελ’λομεν papyrus
^ 21. αποδουναι’ papyrus
^ 22. αϋτουσ papyrus
^ 23. οϋ papyrus
^ 25. πορρω’ papyrus
^ 26. τησ’ papyrus
^ 29. π’ρωτοτυπωσ papyrus
^ 30. σαφηνιζον’τεσ papyrus
^ 30. ει’ papyrus
^ 31. υπερ’ papyrus
^ 32. αύτου papyrus
^ 32. ελαφρωσαν’τεσ papyrus
^ 33. το’ papyrus
^ 34. προσωπου’ papyrus
^ 38. ημασ’ papyrus

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 19803 Translation (English) [xml]

1  … fearing God and preserving justice and equity in the assessment of the quota apportioned by them in accordance with … each (?) undertook (?) and to the best of his ability; and cause the overseer with four other notable persons in your district to [assist?] them in the said assessment. 7  And when they have finished this, send to us a register containing particulars as to the amount assigned to each person among them, showing us in it the name and patronymic and place of residence of those who assessed the said fine. 12  And let it not come to our knowledge that you have in any respect at all cheated the people of your district in the matter of the fine distributed by you, or that you have shown any preference or antipathy at all to any one in the assessment of the said fine. 17  For we know that the persons who are to assess it will certainly not disobey you in any instructions given them by you, and if we find that they have assessed any one too lightly through partiality or too heavily through antipathy, we shall requite them both in their persons and in their estates by God's command. 22  Therefore exhort them and warn them about this and also (tell them) not to assess any of the officials beyond his means, even if he is at a distance from them and does not join them in the assessment of the said fine, but to treat each with justice as aforesaid and assess him according to his means; 28  and cause the assessors of the said fine first of all to make a written agreement in which they declare that if they are proved after the assessment to have assigned to anyone an apportionment beyond his means and to have assessed another too lightly, – 32  that they (themselves) in equal shares will make up the deficiency caused through the person too heavily burdened in their assignment, and will be liable besides to severe punishment for their disobedience and disregard of our command; and the said agreement send to us with the register of the quota assessed for the fine upon each person. 40  Written the 6th Tybi, 8th ind. By Basil 200s. By the officials 200s. Total 400s. (Translation: H.I. Bell, Translations of the Greek Aphrodito Papyri (1911) 276-277)