sign in

p.mich.5.238v = HGV P.Mich. 5 238 V = Trismegistos 78518 = michigan.apis.3237 = michigan.apis.3238 = michigan.apis.3236 = michigan.apis.3234 = michigan.apis.3239 = michigan.apis.3235

DDbDP transcription: p.mich.5.238v [xml]

AD 46 Tebtynis
[Reprinted from: .] cfPMich2,124;PMich2,128

ζήτι̣(*) πο̣ῦ ἐ-
γεγόνε(*) ἡ γρ(αφὴ)
το(ῦ) Ἀλεξάνδρο(υ)
εἰς το(ν) ὑειὸ(ν)(*) Λ̣α̣ρ̣ε̣ι̣[  ̣]ο̣(  )


^ v.1. l. ζήτει
^ v.1-2. l. ἐ |γεγόνει
^ v.4. l. υἱὸ(ν)

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

On the 9th (of Neos Sebastos). Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 28 silver drachmai, (made) by Peteeus to Didyme. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement for nursing a slave (child), (made) by Petosiris and others to Mystharion, (and);on the 12th, loan of 100 drachmai, (made) by Mystharion to Marepkemis and another. (Fee): 4 drachmai.;Lease of 1 1/2 arourai of an allotment, (made) by Peteeus to Peteeus. (Fee:) 4 obols.;Acknowledgment of receipt for an obligation to remain in service (paramone), (made) by Tarmouthis to Thaesis. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement of obligation to remain in service (paramone), (made) by Thaesis to Tarmouthis. (Fee:) 5 obols.;Loan of 72 silver drachmai, (made) by Didymos to Kronides and his wife. (Fee:) 3 drachmai.;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 28 silver drachmai, (made) by Esenempis and her husband to Kronion. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 200 silver drachmai, (made) by Orsenouphis and his wife to Apollonios. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;On the 14th. Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Kronion and his wife to Heraklas. (Fee:) 3 drachmai.;On the 15th. Acknowledgment of receipt (of a maintenance), (made) by Thenpsosneus to Tapnebtynis. (Fee:) 8 obols.;On the 16th. Agreement of deposit of 120 silver drachmai, (made) by Pausis and his wife to Apynchis. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;On the 17th. Lease of 6 arourai of an allotment, (made) by Kronion to Karpos. (Fee:) 8 obols.;Lease of 9 arourai of an allotment, (made) by Herakleides to Petesis. (Fee:) 11 obols.;Agreement guaranteeing immunity, (made) by Tapieus to Herodes. (Fee:) 13 obols.;On the 18th. Acknowledgment of deposit of 84 silver drachmai, (made) by Mieus and his wife to Psosneus. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Agreement of cession of 2 arourai, (made) by Phaerios to Ptolemaios. He owes the fee.;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 24 silver drachmai, (made) by Petemounis and his wife to Petemounis. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement of sale of a stone used in the manufacture of pottery, (made) by Horos to Tephersos. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Alimentary (contract) for a dowry of 200 drachmai, (made) by Panesneus to Taorsenouphis. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Agreement (of - - -) of 248 silver drachmai, (made) by Psenkebkis and his wife to Kronion. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;On the 20th. Acknowledgment of deposit of 52 drachmai, (made) by Akousilaos to Herodion. (Fee:) 5 obols.;On the 21st. Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 40 silver drachmai, (made) by Taonophris to Kronion. (Fee:) 8 obols.;On the 22nd. Agreement of cession of a pastophoros's cell, (made) by Psenkebkis to Herakles. (Fee:) 6 drachmai, of which he owes 2 drachmai.;Loan of 26 silver drachmai, (made) by Herakleides to Varus and his wife. (Fee:) 6 obols.;On the 24th. Acknowledgment of receipt, (made) by Taaryotes to Harmiysis and another. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Acknowledgment of receipt, (made) by Thaeisas to Apollonios. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 88 silver drachmai and 4 artabai of wheat, (made) by Orseus to Sisoeis. (Fee:) 7 obols.;Agreement for nursing a slave (child), (made) by Thermouthis and another to Herakleides, (and);on the 25th, loan of 100 drachmai, (made) by Herakleides to Moueis and his wife. (Fee): 4 drachmai.;Acknowledgment of receipt, (made) by Dios to Apollonios. (Fee:) 3 drachmai.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 40 drachmai and 2 artabai of wheat, (made) by Orseus to Apollonios. (Fee:) 12 obols.;Acknowledgment of receipt (of a maintenance), (made) by Thermouthis to Herakleides. (Fee:) 1 drachme.;Acknowledgment of receipt (of a dowry), (made) by Tasis to Harmiysis. (Fee:) 9 obols.;Agreement of confirmation, (made) by Tamieus to Kronion. (Gratis).;Agreement (of - - -) of 40 silver drachmai, (made) by Psyphis to Orseus. (Fee:) 7 obols.;Lease of 2 1/2 arourai, (made) by Orseus to Maron. He owes the scribe's fee.;On the 28th. Acknowledgment of deposit of 28 silver drachmai, (made) by Nepheros to Apollonios. (Fee:) 7 obols.;Loan of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Apollonios to Orsenouphis. (Fee:) 16 obols.;On the 29th. Acknowledgment of receipt (of 44 drachmai), (made) by Phomsais to Tephersos. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement (of - - -) of 360 silver drachmai, (made) by Herakleides to Apollonios. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Agreement (of deposit?) of 64 silver drachmai and 3 1/5 artabai of wheat, (made) by Apion and another to Heron. Gratis for Heronas.;Agreement of receipt, (made) by Tanaaraous to her sons. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 124 drachmai, (made) by Thenprakis and another to Herakles. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Agreement of obligation to remain in service (paramone) for the sum of 24 silver drachmai, (made) by Paris to Eutychos. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement of obligation to remain in service (paramone), (made) by Orseus to Galates. (Fee:) 8 obols.;On Choiak 1. Loan of 306(?) drachmai, (made) by Patron to Eutychides and his wife. Gratis, for Eutychides.;On the 4th. Agreement of obligation to remain in service (paramone) for the sum of 456 silver drachmai, (made) by Eutychides to Heron, (and);loan of the same (capital), (made) by Heron to the same Eutychides. Similarly, gratis.;Agreement of obligation to remain in service (paramone) for the sum of 500 silver drachmai, (made) by Papontos to Heron. Gratis, for Heronas.;Agreement of obligation to remain in service (paramone) for the sum of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Isidoros to Heron. Gratis, for Heronas.;On the 5th. Acknowledgment of receipt, (made) by Areios to Ptolemaios. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Acknowledgment (of deposit?) of 200 silver drachmai and 11 artabai of wheat, (made) by Didymos to Heron. (Fee:) 20 obols.;Agreement for nursing a slave (child), (made) by Tapontos to Diodoros, (and);on the 9th, loan of 80 drachmai, (made) by Diodoros to Tapontos. (Fee) for both (documents): 4 drachmai.

APIS Translation (English)

(Choiak 9, continued).;Agreement (of deposit?) of 18 silver drachmai and 10 1/2 artabai of wheat, (made) by Tephersos to Phomsaeis. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Alimentary (contract) for a dowry of 200 silver drachmai, (made) by Herakleides to Tamarres. (Fee:) 6 drachmai.;Agreement of lease, by way of payment in advance, of 2 arourai, (made) by Orseus to Paches. Gratis, for Paches.;Agreement (of - - -) of 240 silver drachmai, (made) by Harsiesis and his wife to Bremon. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;On the 11th. Agreement (of deposit?) of 24 silver drachmai and 3 artabai of barley, (made) by Akousilaos to Herodion. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Loan of 156 silver drachmai, (made) by Didymos to Orseus and his wife. (Fee:) 3 drachmai.;On the 13th. Loan of 24 drachmai, (made) by Herodion to Peteesis and his wife. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement (of - - -) of 24 drachmai, (made) by Orseus and his wife to Herakles. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Loan of 140 silver drachmai, (made) by Didymos to Heronas and his wife. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;On the 16th. Alimentary (contract) for a dowry of 500 silver drachmai, (made) by Kronion to Taarmiysis. He(?) owes the fee.;Alimentary (contract) for a dowry of 500 silver drachmai, (made) by Ptolemaios to Tausis. (Fee:) 8 drachmai.;Agreement of lease of 1 aroura of an allotment, (made) by Pasis to Apollonios. (Fee:) 10 obols.;Lease of 2 1/2 arourai of an allotment, (made) by Apollonios to Herakles. (Fee:) 12 obols.;On the 17th. Loan of 120 silver drachmai, (made) by Lysimachos to Onnophris and his wife. (Fee:) 4 silver drachmai.;Loan of 128 silver drachmai, (made) by Lysimachos to Miysis and his wife. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;On the 19th. Acknowledgment of deposit of 300 silver drachmai, (made) by Papnebtynis to Anempeous. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 1,000 silver drachmai, (made) by Papontos to Orsenouphis. (Fee:) 8 drachmai.;Agreement to farm in good faith <or: to give surety to conduct farm operations>, (made) by Petsiris to Phemnasis. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement of division (of property), (made) by Orsenouphis to his sons. (Fee:) 8 drachmai.;On the 22nd. Acknowledgment of receipt, (made) by Ischyrion also called Gaius to Onnophris. Gratis, for Onnophris.;Acknowledgment of receipt, (made) by Timon to Ischyrion. (Fee:) 4 silver drachmai.;Loan of 60 silver drachmai, (made) by Herodion to Tephersos and another. (Fee:) 6 drachmai.;On the 23rd. Acknowledgment of deposit of 24 silver drachmai and 4 artabai of barley, (made) by Pakebkis and his wife to Didymos. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;On the 25th. Acknowledgment of 72 drachmai and 5 1/2 artabai of wheat, (made) by Kronion and his wife to Herodion. (Fee:) 6 drachmai.;On the 27th. Agreement of cession of 16 1/2 arourai, (made) by Herodes to Herakleides. (Fee:) 12 drachmai on account.;Acknowledgment of receipt of a dowry of 60 silver drachmai, (made) by Thatres to Papontos and another.;On the 28th. Agreement (of - - -) of 3 arourai of an allotment, (made) by Komon to Onnophris. Gratis, for Onnophris.;Agreement of division of lands, (made) by Papnebtynis to Maron and another. (Fee:) 3 drachmai.;On the 29th. Acknowledgment of deposit of 60 drachmai and 3 1/2 artabai of wheat, (made) by Cheos to Lysimachos. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;On the 30th. Agreement of division (of property), (made) by Harmiysis to his sons. (Fee:) 8 silver drachmai.

APIS Translation (English)

(Phaophi 5, continued).;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Serapas and his wife to Onnophris. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Loan of the same capital, (made) by Onnophris to the same (people). (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Agreement to nurse a slave child, (made) by Tamarres and others to Sadalas, (and);loan of 500 silver drachmai, (made) by Sadalas to the same (people). (Fee:) . . drachmai.;Agreement of lease of (. .) arourai, (made) by Marepkemis to Herodion. Gratis, for Heronas.;Agreement to nurse a slave child, (made) by Thermouthis and her husband to Iucundus, (and);on the 6th, loan of 64 silver drachmai, (made) by Iucundus to the same (people). (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;On the 7th. Agreement of lease, by way of payment in advance, of 6 arourai, (made) by Herakleides and his wife to Paches. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Acknowledgment of receipt of a dowry of 200 drachmai, (made) by Tapsosneus to Papnebtynis and another. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Papontos and others to Thenmaron. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Agreement of sale of a donkey, (made) by Potamon to Apynchis. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement of sale of a donkey, (made) by Horsisouchos to Chairemon. (Fee:) 5 obols.;Agreement of sale of a donkey, (made) by Areios to Serapas and another. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement of sale of a donkey, (made) by Herakleides to Hatres. (Fee:) 7 obols.;Agreement of sale of a donkey, (made) by Sekonopis to Pakebkis. (Fee:) 4 obols.;Lease of 6 arourai, (made) by Marsisouchos to Orseus. (Fee:) 5 obols.;Agreement of sale of a donkey, (made) by Patynis to Serapion. (Fee:) 6 obols.;On the 9th. Lease of a vineyard, (made) by Sadalas to Didymos. (Fee:) 9 obols.;Agreement of sale of a donkey, (made) by Patermouthis to Serapion. (Fee:) 5 obols.;Agreement of sale of a donkey, (made) by Euangelos to Serapion. (Fee:) 7 obols.;Agreement (of - - -) of 40 silver drachmai, (made) by Apynchis to Sambous. (Fee:) 8 obols.;Agreement (of - - -) of 100 drachmai, (made) by Marres to Phomsaeis. (Fee:) 18 obols.;On the 10th. Agreement of sale of a donkey, (made) by Akes to Ischyrion. He owes the fee.;Lease of a vineyard, (made) by Herodion to Panechotes. (Fee:) 9 obols.;Loan of 68 silver drachmai, (made) by Marsisouchos to Psenosiris. (Fee:) 11 obols.;On the 12th. Loan of 22 drachmai, (made) by Thermouthis to Pakebkis and his wife. (Fee:) 5 obols.;On the 13th. Acknowledgment of deposit of 100 silver drachmai and 7 artabai of wheat, (made) by Siphon to Kronion. (Fee:) 3 drachmai.;On the 21st. Lease of an orchard and others, (made) by Didymos to Orsenouphis. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;On the 22nd. Agreement to nurse a slave child, (made) by Tapnebtynis and her husband to Apion, (and);on the 25th, loan of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Apion to the same (people). Gratis, for Apion.;Agreement of sale of a vineyard of 2 arourai 1/4 and a twenty-fourth, (made) by Galates and another to Didyme. She owes the scribe's fee.;On the 26th. Lease of a vineyard, (made) by Lysimachos to Kronion. He owes the scribe's fee.;Agreement of cession of 2 1/8 arourai, (made) by Apollonios to Demetrios. (Fee:) 8 drachmai.;On the 30th. Sale of a house and a storeroom, (made) by Patermouthis to Kronion. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;On month Neos Sebastos 2. Agreement to furnish lodging for (the loan of) a stone used in the manufacture of pottery, (made) by Tephersos to Tephersos. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement (of - - -) of 32 silver drachmai and 13 artabai of barley, (made) by Orsenouphis to Orseus. (Fee:) 11 obols.;Agreement of cession (of a pastophoros's cell), (made) by Paopis and another to Kronion, (and);loan of 100 drachmai with the same pastophoros's cell (as guaranty), (made) by Kronion to the same (people). (Fee): 4 drachmai.;Lease of 1 aroura, (made) by Orsenouphis to Petsiris. He owes the fee.;Agreement (of - - -) of 36 silver drachmai, (made) by Marepsemis and his wife to Herodion. (Fee:) 7 obols.;Alimentary (contract) for a dowry of 320 silver drachmai, (made) by Orseus to Taos. (Fee:) 6 drachmai.;Agreement of cession of 2 arourai, (made) by Diodoros and his wife to Horion. (Fee:) 12 drachmai.;Agreement of division (of property), (made) by Psyphis to his sons. (Fee:) 40 silver drachmai.;On the 5th. Agreement to nurse a slave child, (made) by Thenatymis to Esertaeis, (and);loan of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Esertaeis to Orseus and his wife. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;On the 6th. Acknowledgment of receipt (of - - -), (made) by Peteesis to Orseus. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Loan of 560(?) silver drachmai, (made) by Marsisouchos to Panesis and his wife. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Loan of 260 silver drachmai, (made) by Lysimachos to Marsisouchos. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Agreement (of - - -) 208 drachmai, (made) by Harmiysis and his wife to Didyme. (Fee:) . . drachmai.;Loan of the same capital, (made) by Didyme to the same (people). (Fee:) 10 drachmai.;Agreement (of - - -) of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Harpaesis to Nekpheraus. (Fee:) 3 silver drachmai.;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 120 silver drachmai, (made) by Tamarres and others to Marres, (and);on the 7th. Acknowledgment of deposit of 200 silver drachmai and 2 artabai of wheat, (made) by Thaubastis and others to Kronion. (Fee) for both (documents): 4 drachmai.

APIS Translation (English)

The seventh year of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus the Emperor, in the month Sebastos.;On the 2nd. Agreement of mortgage on 2 arourai, (made) by Kronion to Apollonios. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Loan of 308 drachmai with the same (land as guaranty), (made) by Apollonios to the same Kronion. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;On the 5th. Lease of 7 arourai, (made) by Haryotes to Dios. (Fee:) 4 silver drachmai.;Acknowledgment of receipt of 92 silver drachmai, (made) by Papontos and another to Pastoous. (Fee:) 8 obols.;Acknowledgment of receipt of 420 silver drachmai, (made) by Hatres and his wife to Didyme. She owes the scribe's fee.;Agreement of mortgage on a share of a house, (made) by Thenkebkis to Papnebtynis. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Loan of 100 silver drachmai with the same (share as guaranty), (made) by Papnebtynis to Thenkebkis. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Lease of a garden, (made) by Galates to Tesenouphis and his wife. (Fee:) 4 silver drachmai.;Agreement of lease, by way of payment in advance, of (. .) arourai, (made) by Harmaeis and his mother to Paaus. (Fee:) 4 silver drachmai.;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 200 silver drachmai, (made) by Thaubastis to Nestesis. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Lease of the same capital, (made) by Nestesis to Thaubastis. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;On the 7th. Lease of 6 arourai of fodder, (made) by Peteeus and another to Didymos. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Lease of 1 1/2 aroura of fodder, (made) by Peteeus and another to Alexandros. (Fee:) 6 obols.;On the 9th. Acknowledgment of deposit of 460 silver drachmai, (made) by Kronion to Herakles. (Fee:) 4 drachmai, which he owes, {as the scribe's fee}.;Agreement of mortgage on 6 arourai of an allotment, (made) by Herakleides to Herodes, (and);loan of 832 silver drachmai with the same (land as guaranty), (made) by Herodes to the same. (Fee for both documents:) 12 drachmai.;On the 12th. Acknowledgment of receipt of the half share of a loan, (made) by Lysimachos to Herakleides. (Fee:) 4 silver drachmai.;Agreement of confirmation, (made) by Kames to Paches. He owes the scribe's fee.;Agreement of obligation to remain in service (paramone) for the sum of 48 drachmai, (made) by Hermas to Ptolemaios. (Fee:) 8 obols.;On the 14th. Acknowledgment of receipt of a maintenance, (made) by Thenmarsisouchos to Zoilos. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Agreement (of - - -) of 40 silver drachmai for the price of wheat, (made) by Orsenouphis to Haryotes. (Fee:) 7 obols.;Lease of 3 3/4 arourai of green fodder, (made) by Peteeus and his brother to Mieus. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Loan of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Herakles to Harmaeis and his mother. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Agreement of lease of 8 arourai of fodder, (made) by Mieus and others to Didymos. He owes the scribe's fee.;Agreement of nursing a slave child, (made) by Tapontos and her husband to Kronion, (and),;on the 16th, loan of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Kronion to Harmiysis and his wife. (Fee) for both (documents): 4 drachmai.;Loan of 56 silver drachmai, (made) by Maron to Orseus and his wife. (Fee:) 9 obols.;Agreement of mortgage on a slave (named) Athene, (made) by Thenkebkis to Potamon;(and) loan of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Potamon to the same woman and her son. (Fee) for both (documents): 4 drachmai.;On the 22nd. Agreement of confirmation, (made) by Taorsenouphis to Kronion the manufacturer of oil. Gratis.;Agreement of lease by way of payment in advance, (made) by Haryotes to Orseus. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Lease of right to sell a crop, (made) by Herodion to Polemon. (Fee:) 12 obols.;Agreement guaranteeing immunity, (made) by Herakles to his sisters. (Fee:) 18 obols.;Agreement of release of claims, (made) by Thaubastis and others to Herakles. Gratis, for Lysas.;Lease of 8 arourai, (made) by Ptolemaios to Eutychos. (Fee:) 15 obols.;Agreement of lease, by way of payment in advance, of 1 3/4 aroura, (made) by Psenosiris to Phibion. (Fee:) 3 drachmai.;Agreement of lease, by way of payment in advance, of 4 arourai, (made) by Taorseus to Maron. (Fee:) 4 silver drachmai.;Agreement of lease, by way of payment in advance, of 4 arourai, (made) by Taorseus to Ptolemas. (Fee:) 4 silver drachmai.;Agreement of lease, by way of payment in advance, of 13 arourai, (made) by Haryotes and others to Maron. (Fee:) 4 silver drachmai.;On the 25th. Agreement of division (of property), (made) by Tephersos to his sons. (Fee:) 12 silver drachmai.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 200 silver drachmai, 5 artabai of wheat and 5 artabai of barley, (made) by Herakles and his wife to Kronion. (Fee:) 6 drachmai.;Lease <Read: Agreement> of partnership in farming 8 <arourai> of an allotment, (made) by Didymos to Herodion. (Fee:) 10 obols.;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 20 silver drachmai, (made) by Orseus and his wife to Mareus. (Fee:) 7 obols.;Lease of 13 arourai, (made) by Kronides to Herakles and another. (Fee:) 4 silver drachmai.;Agreement of sale of a donkey, (made) by Thenatymis to Kronion. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Lease of 1 aroura, (made) by Peteeus and another to Peteeus. (Fee:) 4 obols.;Loan of 620 silver drachmai, (made) by Lysimachos to Horos and another. (Fee:) 6 silver drachmai.;Acknowledgment of receipt of 208 silver drachmai, (made) by Kronides to Patynis and another. (Fee:) 5 drachmai.

APIS Translation (English)

See where the contract of Alexandros with the son of . . . has gone.

APIS Translation (English)

(Sebastos 25, continued).;Loan of 68 silver drachmai, (made) by Herakles to Papontos and his wife. (Fee:) 12 obols.;On the 26th. Acknowledgment of deposit of 100 silver drachmai and 6 1/2 artabai of wheat, (made) by Onnophris to Haryotes. (Fee:) 3 drachmai.;Lease of 2 arourai, (made) by Tephersos and another to Onnophris. (Fee:) 8 obols.;Lease of 3 arourai, (made) by Papnebtynis to Herodes. (Fee:) 7 obols.;Agreement of obligation to remain in service (paramone) for the sum of 60 drachmai, (made) by Papontos and his wife to Herakles. (Fee:) 10 obols.;Agreement of lease, by way of payment in advance, of pasture lands and others, (made) by Sotas to Mieus. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 80 silver drachmai, 2 artabai of wheat and 6 artabai of barley, (made) by Nepheros to Onnophris. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 156 silver drachmai, (made) by Siaiepis to Tapetsoykis. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Agreement (of - - -) of 8 1/2 artabai of barley, (made) by Mieus to Herodes. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement to nurse a slave child, (made) by Thenpatynis to Didymos, (and),;on the 28th, loan of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Didymos to Panomieus and his wife. (Fee) for both (documents): 18 obols.;Loan of 28 silver drachmai, (made) by Lysimachos to Petesouchos and his wife. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 84 silver drachmai, (made) by Orsenouphis to Psosneus. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Concession of a pastophoros's cell, (made) by Marepsemis to Psyphis. (Fee:) 3 silver drachmai.;Lease of 7 3/4 arourai, (made) by Herakles to Kronion. (Fee:) 9 obols.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 60 silver drachmai and 3 artabai of wheat, (made) by Orseus to Soterichos. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Agreement of obligation to remain in service (paramone) for the sum of 20 drachmai, (made) by Tamysthas to Kronion. (Fee:) 7 obols.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 212 silver drachmai and 6 1/2 artabai of wheat, (made) by Herakles and his wife to Apollonios. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Agreement of obligation to remain in service (paramone) for the sum of 28 drachmai, (made) by Harmiysis to Didymos. (Fee:) 7 obols.;On the 29th. Lease of 8 <arourai> of an allotment, (made) by Herakleides to Pollous and another. (Fee:) 10 obols.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 120 silver drachmai and 15 artabai of barley, (made) by Cheos to Kronion. (Fee:) 4 drachmai.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 580 silver drachmai, (made) by Petemennophris and another to Galates. (Fee:) 8 drachmai.;On the 30th. Lease of right to sell a crop, (made) by Herodes to Sambathion. (Fee:) 9 obols.;Agreement of lease concerning a garden, (made) by Polemon and others to Galates. (Fee:) 19 obols.;Agreement (of - - -) of a reed mat with a garment with a double border(?), (made) by Polykrates to Hermas and another. (Fee:) 5 obols.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 56 silver drachmai, (made) by Herakles to Kronion. (Fee:) 1 drachma 4 obols.;Agreement of lease, by way of payment in advance of a ten-arourai estate, (made) by Didymos to Galates. He owes the fee.;Loan of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Apolonios to Papontos and another. (Fee:) 18 obols.;Acknowledgment of receipt of the half part of a loan, (made) by Kronion to Siphon. (Fee:) 11 obols.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 40 silver drachmai and 3 artabai fo wheat, (made) by Tephersos to Onnophris. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 20 silver drachmai and 4 artabai of wheat, (made) by Posidonios to Didymos. (Fee:) 8 obols.;Loan of 128 silver drachmai, (made) by Lysimachos to Agelas and another. (Fee:) 3 drachmai.;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 100 silver drachmai, (made) by Papnebtynis and another to Areios. (Fee:) 20 obols.;Agreement of lease of 7 arourai, (made) by Apsemis to Mieus. (Fee:) 30 obols, of which he owes 4 obols.;Concession of a pastophoros's cell, (made) by Marepsemis to Marsisouchos. (Fee:) 4 silver drachmai.;Acknowledgment of receipt of 120 silver drachmai, (made) by Thaubastis to Thasos and another. (Fee:) 3 drachmai.;Lease of 3 arourai of fodder, (made) by Psyphis to Patynis and another. (Fee:) 5 obols.;Lease of 6 arourai, (made) by Epitynchanon to Papnebtynis. (Fee:) 11 obols.;Agreement (concerning) a contract of marriage, (made) by Apollonios and another to Galates and his wife. (Fee:) 40 drachmai.;Agreement of release of claims, (made) by Galatiaine to her parents. She owes the scribe's fee.;Contract (for a dowry?) of 600 silver drachmai), (made) by Maron to Heraklea and another. (Fee:) 8 drachmai.;On Phaophi 2. Acknowledgment of deposit of 2,040 drachmai, (made) by Chairemon and another to Didymos. (Fee:) 8 drachmai.;Agreement of lease of 6 arourai of fodder, (made) by Orseus to Haryotes. (Fee:) 7 obols.;Agreement of release of claims, (made) by Tamieus to Kronion and another. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Agreement of lease of 3 1/4 arourai of fodder, (made) by Herakles to Maron. He owes the scribe's fee.;On the 3rd. Acknowledgment of deposit of 100 drachmai and 5 artabai of wheat, (made) by Herakles and his wife to Apollonios. (Fee:) 2 drachmai.;Lease of 2 arourai, (made) by Herodes and another to Petesouchos. (Fee:) 12 obols.;On the 4th. Agreement (of - - -) of 12 artabai of wheat, (made) by Lysimachos to Psentamieus. (Fee:) 10 obols.;Agreement of lease, by way of payment in advance, of 1 aroura, (made) by Herakles to Onnophris the granary guard. He owes the scribe's fee.;Agreement of sale of 2 cattle, (made) by Orseus to Pouoris. (Fee:) 10 obols.;Lease of partnership in farming, (made) by Mieus and another to Mieus son of Phomsaeis. He owes the scribe's fee.;On the 5th. Agreement of obligation to remain in service (paramone) for the sum of 24 drachmai, (made) by Marsisouchos and another to Didymos. (Fee:) 8 obols.;Acknowledgment of deposit of 60 drachmai and 4 artabai of wheat, (made) by Tephersos and his wife to Lysimachos.;Agreement to furnish lodging for the sum of 24 silver drachmai, (made) by Tmarsis to Teues. (Fee:) 6 obols.;Agreement (of - - -) of 12 artabai of wheat, (made) by Nestnephis and another to Heron. (Fee:) 10 obols.