sign in

p.oxy.12.1464 = HGV P.Oxy. 12 1464 = Trismegistos 21866

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.12.1464 [xml]

AD 250 Oxyrhynchus

[τοῖς] ἐπὶ τῶν θυσιῶν αἱρεθεῖσι τῆς
[Ὀ]ξυρυγχε̣ιτῶν πόλεως
[παρ]ὰ Αὐρηλίου Γαι(*)ῶνος Ἀμμωνίου
[μη]τρὸς Ταεῦτος. ἀεὶ μὲν θύειν καὶ
5[σπέ]νδειν καὶ σέ̣β̣ειν θεοῖς εἰθισμένος
[κατ]ὰ τὰ κελευσθέντα ὑπὸ τῆς θείας κρίσεως
[καὶ] νῦν ἐνώπιον ὑ(*)μῶν θύων καὶ σπέν-
[δω]ν καὶ γευ[σ]άμενος τῶν ἱ(*)ερείων ἅμα
[Τα(?)]ῶ̣τι γυναικὶ [κ]αὶ Ἀμμωνίῳ καὶ Ἀμμω-
10[νι]α̣ν̣ῷ̣ υἱοῖς καὶ Θ̣έκ̣λ̣ᾳ θυγατρὶ διʼ ἐ̣μοῦ κ̣[α]ὶ̣
[ἀξι]ῶ̣ ὑποσημιώσασθαί(*) μοι. (ἔτους) α
[Αὐ]τοκράτορος Κ[α]ί̣[σαρο]ς Γαί(*)ου Μεσσίου
[Κυί]ντου Τ[ρ]αιανοῦ Δεκίου Εὐσεβοῦς
[Εὐ]τυχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ Ἐπεὶφ γ. Αὐρή[λιος]
15[Γαι]ὼν ἐπιδέδωκα. Αὐρήλ(ιος) Σαραπίων
[ὁ κ(αὶ)] Χαιρήμων ἔγρ[αψα] ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ μ̣ὴ̣ [εἰδό-]
[τος] γράμματα.
Traces 10 lines
00Βησᾶς, Ψεναμοῦνις


^ r.3. γαϊωνοσ papyrus
^ r.7. ϋμων papyrus
^ r.8. ϊερειων papyrus
^ r.11. l. ὑποσημειώσασθαί
^ r.12. γαϊου papyrus

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 21866 Translation (English) [xml]

(Translation: from P.Oxy. 12) To the commissioners of sacrifices at Oxyrhynchus from Aurelius Gaion son of Ammonius and Taeus. It has ever been my habit to make sacrifices and libations and pay reverence to the gods in accordance with the orders of the divine decree, and now I have in your presence sacrificed and made libations and tasted the offerings with Taos my wife, Ammonius and Ammonianus my sons, and Thecla my daughter, acting through me, and I request you to certify my statement. The 1st year of the Emperor Caesar Gaius Messius Quintus Trajanus Decius Pius Felix Augustus, Epeiph 3. I, Aurelius Gaion, have presented this application. I,Aurelius Sarapion also called Chaeremon, wrote on his behalf, as he is illiterate.