sign in

p.oxy.75.5062 = HGV P.Oxy. 75 5062 = Trismegistos 128903

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.75.5062 [xml]

Ἀμμών̣ιος καὶ Ἡ̣ραῒ̣ς καὶ Εὔπορος Πρείσκῳ(*)
τῷ κυρίῳ πατρὶ καὶ Θαήσει τῇ κυρίᾳ μητρὶ
καὶ Ἑρμείνῳ(*) τῷ ἀξιολογωτάτῳ πολλὰ χαίρειν.
τῇ ιζ τοῦ Ἐπείφ, τοῦτ’ ἔστιν χθές, γράμματα
5ἐκομισάμεθα διὰ Χαιρήμο̣νος ἀπὸ τοῦ Ἀρταπάτου̣
δι’ ὧν φατὲ ὡς τὸν Κεφάλωνα τῇ ἀγνωμοσύ̣-
νῃ προσι(*)όντα λέγοντα μὴ εἶναι αὐτοῦ γράμ-
ματα ἀλ̣λ̣ὰ καὶ προσελθόντα τῷ ἐπι̣στρατήγῳ·
γελυότατον(*) πρᾶ̣γ̣μ̣α καὶ θαυμαστόν, οἱ χρεῶσται
10τοὺς δανιστὰς(*) ἐκφοβοῦσι. εἰ οὖν τα̣ῦ̣τα οὕ-
τως πέπρακται, ὡς φατέ, εὐτόνως μετα-
λαβέτω κατὰ τὸ νόμιμον. κἂν ἀμ̣ελήσῃ ὁ ὑ(*)πη-
ρέτης, τῷ ἐπιστρατήγῳ αὐτὸν προσενέγκα-
τε καὶ ἐν τῇ μεταδόσι̣(*) ποιείτω τὴν ἐνγρα-
15φήν(*), ὡς οἱ νόμοι κελεύουσιν. καὶ εὐθέως μοι
διαπέμψατε ὅπως κἀγὼ προσέλθω
τῷ μείζονι. ἐξὸν γάρ μοι ἐντυχεῖν περὶ οὗ
ἐὰν θέλω πράγματος. τὰ δὲ γράμματα
αὐτοῦ παρὰ τῇ ἀρχῇ ἐσ̣τ̣ὶ̣ν ἐν καταχωρισ-
20μῷ ἐπὶ ὑπογραφῇ ἐμοῦ τὸ εἶναι αὐτοῦ
ἰδιόγ̣ρ̣[α]φ̣α̣ ἀκολούθως τῷ διαστολικῷ.
οἴσω δ̣[ὲ τ]ῷ μείζονι τὸ ἄλλο μοναχὸν ἐνθάδε·
τὸ δὲ κ̣ρειν̣όμενον(*) τοῦτό ἐστιν, τὸ μεταλα-
βεῖν αὐτὸν καὶ ἐνγράψεσθ̣α̣ι(*). εἴπερ προ-
25ῄρηται ἀγ̣νωμονεῖν, ἔχω πρὸ̣ς ἔλλεγχον(*)
πολλὰς ἀποδείξι̣ς(*), πρῶτον τὸ γράμ̣μα, δεύτε-
ρον ἄλλα̣ τι̣νά. καὶ μὴ ἐ̣ν τάξε̣ι δὸς αὐτῷ
τῷ π̣ρα[  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣ προσέλθατε, ἀλλὰ ὡ̣ς ἔχοντες
τὸ α   ̣[- ca.5 -]  ̣ παρ’ ἐμοῦ. καὶ ν̣[  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣ω μη-
30δε   ̣[- ca.8 -]ν ὑ(*)πολείπεσθαι αὐτ̣[ῷ] τ̣ῷ ἀγνώ-
μο̣[νι πλὴν ἐ]ν̣γρα̣φῆς(*). καὶ ὑ(*)μεῖν(*) τοῖς μη
δε   ̣[- ca.8 -] ἄλλο οὐδὲν δύναται γενέσθαι,
εἰ μ[ὴ - ca.5 - μ]ε̣ταλάβῃ ⟦η⟧καὶ ἐνγράψητε(*) καὶ ποι-
ήσῳ [- ca.4 - μεταπ]ε̣μφθῆναι. ἔμαθον γὰρ ὅτι
35καὶ ε  ̣[- ca.12 -] οὐσιακῷ μεταπέμπετε
αυτο̣[- ca.10 -]τ̣ην μητέρα αὐτῆς προσαγορεύ-
σατε̣ [- ca.11 -] κατ’ ὄνομα. ἐρρῶσθαι ὑμᾶς
⁦ vac. ? ⁩ θεοῖς πᾶσιν εὐχόμεθα.
Πρείσκῳ(*) νεωκόρῳ (design) καὶ Ἑρμείνῳ(*) π̣λ̣ε̣ι̣στον̣είκ̣[ῃ](*)
40π(αρὰ) Ἀμμωνί[ο]υ δια (design) στολ(έως)


^ r.1. l. Πρίσκῳ
^ r.3. l. Ἑρμίνῳ
^ r.7. προσϊοντα papyrus
^ r.9. l. γελοιότατον
^ r.10. l. δανειστὰς
^ r.12. ϋπη papyrus
^ r.14. l. μεταδόσει
^ r.14-15. l. ἐγγρα |φήν
^ r.23. l. κρινόμενον
^ r.24. l. ἐγγράψεσθαι
^ r.25. l. ἔλεγχον
^ r.26. l. ἀποδείξεις
^ r.30. ϋπολειπεσθαι papyrus
^ r.31. l. [ἐ]γγραφῆς
^ r.31. l. ὑμῖν : ϋμειν papyrus
^ r.33. l. ἐγγράψηται
^ v.39. l. Πρίσκῳ
^ v.39. l. Ἑρμίνῳ
^ v.39. l. πλειστονίκ[ῃ]

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 128903 Translation (English) [xml]


1  Ammonius and Herais and Euporus to Priscus, our lord father, and Thaesis, our lady mother, and to Herminus, the most notable, many greetings. On the 17th of Epeiph, that is, yesterday, we received a letter through Chaeremon from Artapatou, by which you say that Cephalon because of his insolence approached (you) saying that the bond is not his (or there is no bond of his), but also that he approached the epistrategus—the most ridiculous and astonishing thing, the debtors are trying to frighten the creditors. 10  Therefore, if these things have happened as you say, let him promptly receive (it) according to what is lawful, and if the hyperetes shows negligence, produce him (= Cephalon) to the epistrategus and upon the notification let him make the registration, as the laws order. And immediately send me notice, so that I also contact the higher authority; for it is possible for me to petition for whatever I may wish. His bond is in the registry with the authority over my subscription that it is his autograph in accordance with the diastolikon. 22  I will also bring to the higher official here the other document, written in one copy only; this is the critical point, that he receives it and that he registers himself. If indeed he has chosen to be obstinate, I have many proofs for scrutiny, first the bond, second some other things. And do not give . . . him in a regular way or (?) approach him, but having the . . . from me. And . . . nothing else remains for this obstinate man apart from the registration. And nothing else can happen for you who . . . , except that he receives (the document) and registers himself. And . . . have (him?) sent for; for I learned that . . . domain (land?) . . . send for him (or: he is sent for). Greet . . . and her mother . . . by name. We pray for your health to all gods.


39  To Priscus, neokoros, and Herminus, victor in many contests, from Ammonius, diastoleus. (R. Hatzilambrou)