sign in

p.tebt.2.375 = HGV P.Tebt. 2 375 = Trismegistos 13531 = berkeley.apis.754

DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.2.375 [xml]

AD 140 Tebtynis

Ἡρακλ[εί]δ̣ῃ τῷ καὶ Ν̣[ίν]νῳ Μύσθου καὶ τῇ τούτου μητρεὶ(*)
Ἰδώρᾳ(*) Ἡρακλείδου
παρὰ [Ἰ]σίωνος τοῦ Ἥρωνος ἀπ[ὸ] τῆς μητροπόλεως
ἀπὸ ἀ[μ]φόδου Μακεδόνων. β[ο]ύλομαι μισθώσασθαι
5ἑκουσ[ί]ως καὶ αὐθαιρέτως πα[ρ]ʼ ὑμῶν εἰς ἔτη δύο
ἀπὸ τ[οῦ ἐ]νεστῶτος τετάρτου [ἔ]το[υ]ς Ἀντωνίνου Καίσα[ρ]ος
τοῦ κ[υρίο]υ τὰς ὑπαρχούσας ὑμ[ῖν] περὶ κώμην Βερνικίδ[α]
Θεσμ[οφό]ρου Πολέμονος(*) μερίδος κλήρου κατοικικ[ο]ῦ
ἀρούρ[ας ἓ]ξ ἥμισου(*) περὶ δὲ κώμην Ἰβίωνος Ἀργαίου
10τῆς α[ὐ]τῆς μερίδος κλήρου κατοικικοῦ ἀρούρας τέσσα-
ρες , τ[ὰ]ς ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ ἀρούρας δέκα ἥμισο̣υ(*) ἢ ὅσαι ἐὰν
ὦσι, [τὸ μ]ὲν προ͂τον(*) ἔτος τῆς μισθώσεως τὰς μὲν
περὶ Βερνικίδα Θεσμοφόρου ἀρούρας ἓ[ξ] ἥμισου(*) ε[ἰς] σπο-
ρὰν κ[αὶ] ἐπισπορὰν ὧν ἐὰν αἱρῶμαι καθʼ ἔτος πλ[ὴ]ν
15κριθ[ῆ]ς καὶ κνήκου σπίροντός(*) μου τῷ ἐνεστῶτι τε-
τάρτῳ ἔτι χόρτῳ τῷ δὲ ἑξῆς σπόρῳ, τὰς δὲ περὶ Ἰβί-
ωνα καθʼ ἔτος ἀσπερμὶ κριθῆ̣[ς ἀ]ρτάβας ε[ἴ]κοσι πέν[τε] ,
τῶ[ν δ]ὲ περὶ Βερνικίδα ὑπὲρ μὲν τοῦ τετάρτου(*) ἔτους
ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς ἑκατὸν ἑξήκοντα τῷ δὲ πεμπτο(*)
20ἔτι ὅ ἐστιν ἔσχατον ἔτος τῆς μισθώσεως ποιροῦ(*) ἀρτα-
βῶν [ἑ]κατὸν ἓξ ἥμισου(*) , ὧν λήμψομαι ὑπὲρ σπερμά-
των ποιροῦ(*) ἀρτάβας ἓξ ἥμισου(*) , των(*) δὲ λοιπων(*) ποιροῦ(*)
ἀρταβῶν(*) ἑκατὸν π[α]ρ[α]δωσο(*)σοι ἐν τῇ κώμῃ ἐν μηνὶ Καισα-
ρίου(*) μέτρῳ ἑξα[χοι]ν[ίκ]ῳ θησαυροῦ βασύλλου καθαρὰ
25ἀπὸ φολέτρων̣(*) [σακκ]η̣γίας, τῶν δὲ δημοσίων φολέ-
τρων(*) ὑπὲρ τῶν προκιμένων ἀρουρῶν ὄντων πρὸς
ἐμὲ τὸν Ἰσίωνα· καὶ [δ]ώ̣σω σοι καθʼ ἔτος ζύμης ἠρτυ-
μένης ἀρτάβης δίδυρον(*), σοῦ τ[  ̣]ς̣ ἀπολ̣  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣[  ̣]τω,
καὶ μετὰ τὸν χρόνον παραδώσω πάσας τὰς ἀρούρας
30καθαρα(*) ἀπὸ θρύου καλάμου δί[σ]ης(*) πάσης ὁμαλισμενα(*)
ἐὰν φαίνηται μι[σθώ]σασθαι ἐπὶ τοῖς προκιμένος(*), ἐφʼ οἷς
βεβαιώσις(*) μοι ἀ[π]ὸ δημοσίων(*) τῶν ἀρουρῶν. Ἰσίων Ἥ[ρ]ω̣(νος)
ἔγραψα τὸ σο͂μα(*) καὶ μεμίσθωμαι ἐπὶ πᾶσι τοῖς προκιμέ-
νοις. ἔτους τετάρτου Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τίτου Αἰλίου Ἁδριανοῦ
35Ἀντωνιου(*) Σεβαστοῦ Εὐσεβοῦς Θὼθ ια.


^ 1. l. μητρὶ
^ 2. l. Ἰ<σι>δώρᾳ
^ 8. l. Πολέμωνος
^ 9. l. ἥμισυ
^ 11. l. ἥμισυ
^ 12. l. πρῶτον
^ 13. l. ἥμισυ
^ 15. l. σπείροντός
^ 18. corr. ex
^ 19. l. πέμπτῳ
^ 20. l. πυροῦ
^ 21. l. ἥμισυ
^ 22. l. πυροῦ
^ 22. l. ἥμισυ
^ 22. l. τὰς
^ 22. l. λοιπὰς
^ 23. l. ἀρτάβας
^ 23. l. παραδώσω
^ 23-24. l. Καισα|ρείῳ
^ 25. l. φορέτρων
^ 25-26. l. φορέ|τρων
^ 28. l. δίμοιρον
^ 30. l. καθαρὰ<ς>
^ 30. l. δεί[σ]ης
^ 30. l. ὁμαλισμένα<ς>
^ 31. l. προκιμένο<ι>ς
^ 32. l. βεβαιώσεις
^ 32. corr. ex
^ 33. l. σῶμα
^ 35. l. Ἀντωνί<ν>ου

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APIS Translation (English)

To Herakleides also called Ninnos, son of Musthes, and his mother Isidora, daughter of Herakleides, from Ision son of Heron, of the metropolis, from the Macedonians' quarter. I wish voluntarily and of my own accord to lease from you for two years from the present 4th year of Antoninus Caesar the lord the 6 1/2 arouras of a catoecic holding that belong to you near the village of Berenikis Thesmophorou in the division of Polemon, and the 4 arouras of a catoecic holding near the village of Ibion Argaiou in the same division, together making 10 1/2 arouras or thereabouts; the 6 1/2 arouras near Berenikis Thesmophorou to be sown and resown the first year of the lease with whatever I choose, yearly, except barley and cnecus, and I shall cultivate them with grass in the present 4th year and with grain the following year; of the land near Ibion the rent is 25 artabas of barley yearly, with no allowance for seed, and of the land near Berenikis 160 drachmas of silver for the 4th year, and for the 5th, which is the last year of the lease, 106 1/2 artabas of wheat, of which I shall receive 6 1/2 artabas for seed, and shall deliver to you the balance, 100 artabas of wheat, at the village in the month Caesarius, measured by the six-choinix measure of the granary of Basullus, clear of freight charges for sack-transport, the government freightage for the aforesaid arouras being borne by me, Ision, and I will pay you annually 2/3 artabas of prepared leaven � At the end of the period I will deliver up all the arouras free from rushes, reeds, and dirt of all sorts and levelled, if you consent to the lease on the terms aforesaid, on condition that you will guarantee me against the State charges on the land. I, Ision son of Heron, have written the body of the contract, and have leased the land on all the above terms. The fourth year of Imperator Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, Thoth 11.