DDbDP transcription: p.zen.pestm.38 [xml]
253 BC Philadelphia
[Reprinted from: p.col.4.78] PSI6,639;PCol4,114,j&PCol4,78
Ὀννῶφ̣ρις̣ Ζήνωνι χαί[ρ]ειν.
εἶπάς μοι γεωμετρῆσαι
τὴν τῶν πρεζβυτων(*)
γῆν. ἐγεωμέτρησα οὖν αὐ-
5τὴν καὶ εὗρον ἐν̣ αὐτῆι ἁλ-
μυρίδος ἀφόρου. ἐ̣ν τῆι Ἀνδρο-
μάχου (μυρι)αρού(ρου) εἰ[σ]ὶν ἄρου(ραι) σϙη λβ´ (ὧν)
ἁλμυρίδος ἀφόρου μδ 𐅵 η´ ιϛ´ λβ´.
τούτων ἡ διαστολὴ ἐν ἑ[κάστωι]
[Διο]νύσ[ιο]ς [ -ca.?- ] δ̣´ η´ ιϛ´ (ὧν) ἁλ̣[μυρίδος -ca.?- ]δ
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- r,2
καὶ ἐν τῆι τοῦ Πανούφιος
(μυρι)αρού(ρου) γῆς ἄρου(ραι) σ 𐅵 ιϛ´ (ὧν) διασ̣τολή·
/ Εὔνομος ιη (ὧν) διώρυ̣γ̣ος δ´ η̣´
15σκαμμάτων 𐅵 η´ (γίνεται) α (λοιπαὶ) ιζ
Μενοίτιος κα δ´ η´ ιϛ´ (ὧν) διωρύγω̣ν δ´ η´
σκαμμάτων 𐅵 η´ ιϛ´ (γίνεται) α ιϛ´ (λοιπαὶ) κ δ´ η´
ἄ̣β̣(ροχος) ἔν-
εσ̣τ̣ιν r,2
/ Σωτάλ̣α̣ς ιη (ὧν) διωρύγον(*) δ´ η´
σκαμμάτων 𐅵 η´ (γίνεται) α (λοιπαὶ) ιζ
20Ποινείτας κβ δ´ ιϛ´ (ὧν) διωρύγων δ´ η´ ιϛ´
σκαμμάτων 𐅵 η´ ιϛ´ ἁλμυρίδος α
(γίνονται) β η´ (λοιπαὶ) κ η´ ιϛ´
δὲ Λυσ̣ά̣νδρου r,2
/ Ξένων ιη (ὧν) διώρυγος δ´ η´ σκαμμ-
ά̣[των 𐅵] η̣´ [ἁ]λμυρίδος α (γίνονται) β (λοιπαὶ) ιϛ
25/ Πρω[ -ca.?- ] κ̣ε 𐅵 η´ ιϛ´ (ὧν) διώρυγος 𐅵 δ´
[ σκαμμάτων] 𐅵 η´ ἁ[λμυ]ρ̣ί(δος) β (γίνονται) γ δ´ η´ (λοιπαὶ) κβ \δ´ ιϛ´/
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- v,3
ἡ πᾶσα γῆ τῶν {τῶν} δύο
μισθώσεων ἄρου(ραι) υϙη 𐅵 η´ λβ´ ι̣ϛ̣´
ἁλμυρίδος να δ´ η´ ιϛ´ λβ´
30διωρύγων δ 𐅵 δ̣´ ι̣ϛ̣´
σκαμμάτων καὶ χωμ̣ά̣[τ]ω̣ν̣ ϛ η´
(γίνονται) ἄρου(ραι) ξβ δ´ η´ λβ´ v,3,ms
σ 𐅵 ιϛ´ ρκβ 𐅵 δ´
(γίνονται) ἄρου(ραι) τκγ δ´ ιϛ´ v,3
λοπαὶ(*) ἄρου(ραι) υλϛ δ´ (ὧν)
κριθοφόρου π
35σησαμοφόρου τνϛ̣ δ´ (ὧν)
ἀβρόχου τῆς χορτοφόρου ι
̣[ ̣] ̣αφορο̣υ̣ εισ[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣ει̣[ ̣ ̣]ς̣[ -ca.?- ]
(λοιπ ) σημα ̣[ -ca.?- ] ̣ ̣φυτου v,4
40 ̣ ι̣
γ̣ β
δ´ η´ δ̣´
κ αν( ) ν v,5
45[(ἔτους) λ]γ Θῶυθ ιδ,
παρὰ Ὀννώφριος.
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: sb.6.9565 [xml]
I sac ?
[Reprinted from: .] CPapJud1,141
[Reprinted in: p.zen.pestm.38] PZenPestm 38
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: psi.6.639 [xml]
III sac Philadelphia
[Reprinted in: p.zen.pestm.38] PZenPestm 38
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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APIS Translation (English)
Recto (along the fibers) And in the (lease) of Panouphis of the 10,000 arouras, 200 1/2 1/16 arouras of land, deduction to be made because of the burial plot. X Eunomos 18. Deduction for canal 1/4 1/8, ditches 1/2 1/8. Total 1. Remainder 17 _______ Contains land Menoitios 21 1/4 1/8 1/16. Deduction for canal 1/4 1/8, not flooded ditches 1/2 1/8 1/6. Total 1 1/6. Remainder 20 1/4 1/8. X Sotalas 18. Deduction for canal 1/4 1/8, ditches 1/2 1/8. Total 1. Remainder 17. It is Lysander Poineitas 22 1/4 1/16. Deduction for canal 1/4 1/8 1/16, ditches 1/2 1/8 1/16, alkaline 1. Total 21/8. Remainder 20 1/8 1/16 X Xenon 18. Deduction for canal 1/4 1/8, ditches 1/2 1/8, alkaline 1. Total 2. Remainder 16. / Pro----- 25 1/2 1/8 1/16. Deduction for canal 1/2 1/4, ditches 1/2 1/8, alkaline 2. Total 3 1/4 1/8. Remainder 22 1/4 1/16. - - - - - - - - - - - - Verso (across the fibers) The total land of the two leases is 498 1/2 1/8 1/32 arouras. Alkaline 51 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 Canals 4 1/2 1/4 1/16 Ditches and dikes 6 1/8 Total 62 1/4 1/8 1/32 arouras. 2001/2 1/16- 122 1/2 1/4. Remainder 436 1/4 arouras, of which Total 323 1/4 1/16 arouras. planted to barley 80; planted to sesame 316 1/4 of which 10 arouras of hay land is not flooded; unproductive land (projecting into the sesame bearing fields?). Total, because of burial plot, _________ arouras of land under cultivation.