sign in

p.hib.1.118 = HGV P.Hib. 1 118 = Trismegistos 8247 = columbia.apis.p399

DDbDP transcription: p.hib.1.118 [xml]

ca. 250 BC Hibeh

Πανεῦ̣ις εἰς τὸν Ἰάσονος ὀλ(υρῶν) λζ 𐅵
Πολέμω[ν ε]ἰς τὸν Θεοδώρου ροϛ,
Ἀντικράτης εἰς τὸν Πολυαίνου νϛ̣,
5Ποκῶυς εἰς τὸν Τιμοκράτου ρκε,
Ποκῶυς εἰς τὴν Θεοχρήστου
διώρυγα ιη δ´,
ε̣ἰ̣[ς] τ̣[ὸ]ν Ἰάσονος ὀλ(υρῶν) ϙζ 𐅵,
Παούτης με,
10Νεχθωῦς ξγ 𐅵,
Σοντεῦς εἰς τὸν Θεοκ[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ ,]
Σισόις εἰς τὸν Παρ̣α[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ ,]
καὶ ἣν ἔσπειραν Θ̣[- ca.9 -]
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]του διώρυγα [  ̣  ̣]
15[(γίνονται)] ὀλ(υρῶν) ωνη δ´.
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]φορω̣ν [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Χοίαχ β·
ἵπποις ὀλ(υρῶν) β,
η ἵπποις ὀλ(υρῶν) β,
20ιδ ἵπποις ὀλ(υρῶν) β.
Ὀννώφρι τέκτον[ι   ̣ ,]
ναυκλήρωι γ,
Συντ̣εῦς ἀρχιε[ρεὺς   ̣ ,]
25Συντεῦς Πετοβά[στιος   ̣ ,]
Εὐαγόραι ϛ,
τοῖς Δωρίωνος [  ̣]
καὶ ἔδωκ̣α̣ α̣ὐτῶ[ι   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
ωι ἐλάττω εὑρέθ[η   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
30τὸ πᾶν τὸ ἀνήλω[μα   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Παχὼνς ε ἵπποι[ς ὀ]λ(υρῶν) α,
ι ὀλ(υρῶν) β, ιϛ α 𐅵, κγ α 𐅵,
κζ α 𐅵, (γίνονται) ὀλ(υρῶν) ζ 𐅵.
35Παῦνι β ὀλ(υρῶν) α 𐅵, ϛ α 𐅵,
η α 𐅵, ιε(*) 𐅵, [(γίνονται) ὀ]λ(υρῶν) ε(*).
Φαρμοῦθι σιτομετρία·
Μ[αι]θωύτης ὀλ(υρῶν) γ,
Κρατῖνος ὀλ(υρῶν) γ, [(γίνονται) ὀ]λ(υρῶν) ϛ.
40Παῦνι σιτομετρία·
Κλῖτος γ,
50[Κρ]ατῖνος γ,
[Νι]κίας γ,
[Πλά]των γ,
[Μα]ιθωύτης γ,
[Κλ]άδος γ,
55[Ἁ]ρμιῦσις γ,
Διονυσία ζ,
Μυρρίνη β,
[Βουβάλιο]ν β,
[(γίνονται) ὀλ(υρῶν) ε]η.
Κεφάλων [δ,]
Θοτορταῖ[ο]ς γ,
65Ποῶνς γ,
(γίνονται) ὀλ(υρῶν) ιϛ.
Μαιθωύ[τη]ς ὀλ(υρῶν) γ,
Κρατῖνος γ,
70Μελάνθιο[ς] δ,
Κεφάλων δ,
Θοτορταῖος γ,
Κλάδος γ,
Κλῖτος γ,
75Νικίας γ,
Πᾶσις γ,
Θόργων γ,
Ἀπολλώνιο[ς] γ,
Ἱστιῆος γ,
80Πλάτων γ,
Ἁρμιῦσις γ,
Ποῶνς γ,
Διο[νυ]σία ζ,
Μυρρίνη β,
85Βουβάλιον β,
Σῖμον β,
(γίνονται) ὀλ(υρῶν) ξ.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
88[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]ε̣ν[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
[λοι]παὶ ἀργυρίου [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
90πυρὸν α̣ [  ̣ ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]


^ FrB,1.36. corr. ex

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APIS Translation (English)

Fragment a, Column i Seed Paneuis, for the (allotment?) of Iason, 37 1/2 of olyra Polemon, for the (allotment?) of Theodoros, 176 Antikrates, for the (allotment?) of Polyainos, 56 Pokoys, for the (allotment?) of Timokrates, 125 Pokoys, for the canal of Theochrestos, 18 1/4 For the (allotment?) of Iason, 97 1/2 of olyra Paoutes, 45 Nechthoys, 63 1/2 Sonteus for the (allotment?) of Theok[ Sisois for the (allotment?) of Para[ And what Th[ ] sowed Fragment a, Column ii Choiak 2 For horses, 2 of olyra 8th, for horses, 2 of olyra 14th, for horses, 2 of olyra Expenditure: To Onnophris the carpenter [ To the ship-captain, 3 Synteus the high priest [ Synteus son of Petobastis [ To Euagoras, 6 To the (- - - ) of Dorion, [ And I gave to him [ Less was found [ The total expenditure [ Fragment b, Column i Pachons 5, for horses, 1 of olyra 10th, 2 of olyra, 16th, 1 1/2, 23rd, 1 1/2 27th, 1 1/2, total, 7 1/2 of olyra. Pauni 2, 1 1/2 of olyra, the 6th, 1 1/2, 8th, 1 1/2, 15th, 1/2, total, 5 of olyra. Distribution of grain for Pharmouthi: Maithoytes, 3 of olyra Kratinos, 3 of olyra; total, 6 of olyra. Distribution of grain for Pauni: Kleitos, 3 Histieos, 3 Poons, 3 [Melanthios, 4] [Kephalon, 4] [Thotortaios, 3] [Pasis, 3] [Thorgon, 3] [Apollonios, 3] Kratinos, 3 Nikias, 3 Platon, 3 Maithoytes, 3 Klados, 3 Harmiysis, 3 Dionysia, 7 Myrrhine, 2 Boubalion, 2 total, 58 of olyra Fragment b, Column ii [Epeiph] Thorgon, [3] Kleitos, [3] Kephalon, [4] Thotortaios, 3 Poons, 3 total, 16 of olyra Mesore Maithoytes, 2 of olyra Kratinos, 3 Melanthios, 4 Kephalon, 4 Thotortaios, 3 Klados, 3 Kleitos, 3 Nikias, 3 Pasis, 3 Thorgon, 3 Apollonios, 3 Histieos, 3 Platon, 3 Harmiysis, 3 Poons, 3 Dionysia, 7 Myrrhine, 2 Boubalion, 2 Simon, 2 total, 60 of olyra