DDbDP transcription: bgu.6.1244 [xml]
cIIIsac Arsinoite
r,ms Ἀπολλ[ω]νίωι ἐπ(ιστάτηι) φ[υλακιτ(?)]ῶ̣ν̣
ι̣ζ̣ \⟦α⟧/ ἀποβιασθῶσι ὑ̣π̣ὲ̣ρ̣ οὗ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
παρὰ Τοκολ̣λ̣[ούσ]ι̣ο̣ς̣
(ἔτους) κβ
5Ἁθὺρ κγ. r,ctr Ἀνικήτωι οἰκονόμωι
παρὰ Τκολλ[ο]ύσιος
5ζυτοπο̣ι̣[ο]ῦ κ[ώ]μης
Φνεβίεως καὶ Π̣[ε]ενσχων(*)
ἐνεστηκυίας [μ]οι κρίσεως
ἐπὶ τῶν τὰ πρ[οσο]δικὰ
κρινόντων [χρ]ημα-
10τιστῶν πρ[ὸς] Πᾶσιν
καὶ̣ ̣ ̣σ̣ ̣θ̣έαν [τ]ὴν
μητέρα(*) αὐτῶν περὶ
οὗ̣ ἐ̣πενεν̣η̣ν̣ό̣χ̣α̣σ̣ι̣ν̣
κατʼ ἐμοῦ καὶ τῶν παρʼ ἐμοῦ
15φόνου ἀγενήτου παιδίου
καὶ διὰ τούτ[ο]υ̣ τῶν ἐγκα-
λουμένων εἰσβιασαμένω̣ν̣
εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν μου, ἣν καὶ
20τυγχάνω ἠγορακυῖα
παρὰ τῶν πριαμένων
αὐτὴν παρʼ αὐ̣τῶν, νυνὶ δὲ
εἰσωικικότων(*) Ἰσιάδα
τινὰ διʼ ἑαυτῶν,
25ἵνʼ εἴ πως δύναιντο διὰ
παρευρέσεως ε̣ἰ̣κ̣α̣σ̣τ̣ῆ̣ς̣
[γ]ε̣ί̣νεσθαι(*) τὴ̣ν̣ ἐ̣ν̣ο̣ί̣κ̣η̣σ̣ι̣[ν],
[ἀ]ξιῶ σε συντάξαι γράψ[αι]
Ἀγαθοκλεῖ ἀποσ̣τε[ῖ]λ̣[αι]
30τὴν Ἰσιάδα ὅπως ἀ ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣η̣
καὶ̣ β̣ί̣α̣ι̣ ἐ̣κ̣χω̣ρ̣[ήση]ι̣ μ̣ο̣ι̣
τ̣ο̣ύ̣τ̣ο̣υ̣ γενομένου [ὦ τε-]
τευχ̣υ̣[ῖ]α τ̣[ῆ]ς βοηθεία̣ς.
[εὐ]τύχει v (perpendicular) 35 Ἀπολλωνίωι.
(hand 2) (ἔτους) κβ Ἁ[θ]ὺ̣[ρ] κδ̣
π̣α̣(ρʼ) Ἀ̣π̣ο̣λ̣λ̣ω̣(νίου)
[Ἀ]γαθ[ο]κλεῖ ἐπ(ιστάτηι) Φνεβιέως
τοῦ δ̣[ο]θ̣έ̣ν̣τος Ἀνικ̣ή̣τωι(*)
40τῶι vac. ? ὑπομνήμα[τ]ος
ἀναπεμφθέντος δ̣ὲ̣ φ̣’ [ ̣ ̣ ̣]
̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣γραφο̣ι̣ς(*) ὑπόκειτ[αι]
τὸ ἀν[τίγρα]φον \κ̣α̣ὶ̣ τῶν συντάξεων ̣ ̣ ̣/, κ̣α̣τ̣α̣πεμφθή[τω]
ο̣ὖ̣ν ἡ ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣η ἐ̣π̣[ὶ] τ̣ὴν Ἰσιάδα,
45ἵνα περὶ τῶν γεγραμμένων
ἐπισκεφθῆι ὑπὸ τ̣οῦ
Traces 1 line
^ r,ctr.6.
BL 11.26 : καὶ̣ η̣μ̣ενχων prev. ed.^ r,ctr.12.
corr. ex μητετα^ r,ctr.23.
l. εἰσῳκικότων^ r,ctr.27.
l. [γ]ίνεσθαι^ v.39.
BL 11.26 : Ἀπ̣ο̣λ̣λ̣ω̣ν̣ί̣ωι prev. ed.^ v.41-42.
δʼ ἐφʼ [ἡ]|μ̣ᾶ̣ς̣ ̣ ̣ ̣γραφο̣ι̣ς Cf. BL 11.26^ v.46-47.
M. Stern (from image) (via PN) : ὑπὸ τοῦ Ἀνικήτου [ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
- 2024-03-29T12:08:04-04:00 [ngonis]: Finalized - done
- 2023-10-20T16:28:03-04:00 [ngonis]: Vote - AcceptText - Agreed with previous voter: remove 'vac.4-5' from lin46 and 'vestig
' from lin47. || εἰσωικικότων in lin23 needs no |reg| but in lin27 [γ]ε̣ί̣νεσθαι does.
- 2023-10-11T10:47:14-04:00 [gclaytor]: Vote - AcceptText - Don't think the vac. is necessary at end of l. 46. Such a proposal
regarding traces would be better made from autopsy. As is, from image, not sure of
traces at end of 47 and sense seems complete after τοῦ Ἀνικήτου. Traces in next line
more convincing (could be e.g the final greeting ἔρρωσο + date).
- 2023-08-27T12:33:01-04:00 [matthias-stern]: Submit - 1) The text of BGU 6.1244 as it is now in the PN includes the “Nachträge”
by Wilcken on p. 192 to Schubart's text on p. 42 of BGU VI. Still, the end of the
text looks different on the papyrus: l. 46 in fact ends with ὑπὸ τοῦ and l. 47 starts
with Ἀνικήτου. Although the second/third hand does not separate words at the end of
the line, I still think the amount of blank space at the end of l. 46 justifies a
vacat mark. In the last third of l. 47, where intact papyrus connects the upper and
lower part, the photo suggests faint traces of ink. Also in l. 48 it appears from
the photo that there is ink of an actual line of the document and not Abdrücke. 2)
Unrelated to that, the end of l. 41 is impossible, which I think results from a misunderstanding
of these Nachträge mentioned above. Schubart's text (p. 42) has l. 41/42 as δ̣ὲ̣ φ̣ʼ[...]
| ......γραφο̣ι̣ς (six dots, not four as currently in the PN), on which Wilcken commented
(p. 192) "δʼ ἐφʼ [ἡ]μ̣ᾶ̣ς̣ (?)" but he does so in running text without marking the
line changes (this is clear because a suggestion for l. 39 immediately precedes this
one), which appears to have cause the misunderstanding. There is very little space
left in the lacuna after ἐφʼ (the right margin has survived over some length of the
papyrus), and beyond that, there are clear traces at the beginning of l. 42. Thus,
Wilcken certainly intended the Greek text to run: δʼ ἐφʼ [ἡ-] | μ̣ᾶ̣ς̣ (?). I find
this reading doubtful from the photo: first, the writer of this text never separates
words at the end of the line (see above for the large empty space at the end of l.
46; and second, the appearance of these letters elsewhere in the text hardly seem
to match the traces here (mu, for instance, is always "flat" and not extending beneath
the line; also, the small spot of ink below the line seems to have little use in this
reconstruction). But that is another story; here I just reconstructed Wilcken's correction
to Schubart's text in BGU VI as it was certainly meant to be read, adding the enjambment
and subtracting, accordingly, three dots from Schubart's six (instead of four).
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: rationalized languages in langUsage
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: changed editor names to URIs
- 2011-10-31 [gabrielbodard]: changed type=inWord to break=no
- 2011-10-04 [Faith]: Automatically updated revision description
- 2011-09-20 [Faith]: Automated transfer of accents across reg-orig pairs
- 2011-03-02 [gabrielbodard]: batch converted all tei:sic to tei:orig and tei:corr to tei:reg
- 2010-05-05 [gabrielbodard]: changed schema; added xml:space=preserve; indented; moved title/@n to idno
- 2009-11-12 [gabrielbodard]: Added language la-Grek
- 2009-06-27 [gabrielbodard]: Converted from TEI P4 (EpiDoc DTD v. 6) to P5 (EpiDoc RNG schema)
- 2008-12-22 [papyri.info]: Automated split from transcoder files
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
HGV 4405 Translation (English)
1 (in a second hand) To Apollonios, epistatês phylakitôn. Let them be evicted (?) as
regards what [we have received] from Tkollousis. Year 22, Hathyr 23.
3 To Aniketos, oikonomos, from Tkollousis, brewer from the village of Phnebieus and….
I had a trial against Pasis and …-thea, their mother, before the chrêmatistai who
adjudicate in matters that concern the (royal) revenues, concerning the baseless charge
of the murder of a slave fifteen days ago, (a charge) which they leveled against me
and my agents. On account of this, the accused broke into my house, which I happen
to have purchased from the people who bought it from them. And now they have moved
a certain Isias into it through their own agency, so that perhaps somehow they may
be able, through a similar pretext, to establish habitation. Wherefore, I ask that
you please write to Agathokles to send Isias, so that she may… and give way to me
by force. For if this happens, I will have met with your assistance. Farewell.
35 (in a second hand) To Apollonios. (in a third hand) Year 22, Hathyr 24. From Apollonios.
To Agathokles, epistatês of Phnebieus. Below lies a copy of the petition given to
Aniketos and sent to us. Therefore, let… be sent to Isias, so that an investigation
about the events recorded may be carried out by Aniketos. (J. Bauschatz, Law and Enforcement,