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APIS Translation (English)

O. O.I. 16991 (recto): The fan-bearer on the king's right, the superintendent of No, and vizier To. The scribe Neferhotep sends a communication to his lord: In life, prosperity, and health. It is a letter to inform my lord. Another communication for my lord: I say to Amun-Re, king of the gods, Mut, and Khonsu, to Preharakhte, to Amun of Menset, to Nofretari of Menset, to Amun of the Thrones of the Two Lands, to Amun of the Beautiful Encounter, to Ptah of Ramessesmeramun, to Ptah of the Place of Beauty (to) the south of the village, to Hathor, mistress of the West, (to) its north, and to Amenophis, who dwells in the midst of the West Side, ''Preserve Pharaoh, l. p. h., my lord, in health. Let him celebrate millions of jubilees as great ruler of every land forever and ever, you being in his favor every day.'' Another communication for my lord: I am working [O. O.I. 16991 verso] on the princes' tombs which my lord has commissioned to be made. I am working very well and very excellently with good work and with excellent work. Don't let my lord worry about them. Indeed I am working very fine. I don't become negligent at all. Another communication for my lord: We are exceedingly impoverished. All supplies for us that are (from) the treasury, that are from the granary, and that are (from) the storehouse have been allowed to be exhausted. Not light is a load of dn-stone. Six oipe of grain have been taken away from us besides to be given to us as six oipe of dirt. Let our lord make for us a means for keeping alive. Indeed we are dying besides. We do not live at all. It (i.e., the means for keeping alive) is not given to us (in form of) anything whatsoever.