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APIS Translation (English)

MH 44, recto: (1) Pamonthes, son of Pamonthes, and Psemmonthes, son of Meswer; (2) Pamonthes, son of Pemais, Pasemis, [son of] Psenesis; (3) the lands which are written away before The Living Lion (4) great of strength, the great god, in year 6, (5) arura 1/4 1/8, year 8, arura 1/4 1/8, arura 1/2 [at] 4 (artabas of) wheat, (6) together with 8 1/3 [1/10] (artabas of) wheat. Signed, Harpebekis, (7) the representative of Haroeris.