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APIS Translation (English)

MH 1456, recto: (1) Text of the oath which Senthoys, daughter of Zminis, shall swear in Jeme (2) (in) year 39, Paophi 21, to Petenephotes, son of Paos: By (3) Amunnachomneus who dwells here and every god (4) who dwells here with him, this door about which (5) you contend with me - I have been surety for Psemminis, son of Paos, 96) your brother, for 23 silver pieces, and they brought me this (7) door in requital thereof. He did not (8) make a document for me concerning the 23 silver pieces (9) which are (mentioned) above. Is she takes the oath, (10) one shall give her (11) the door. MH 1456, verso: (1) Is she refuses to take it, the silver concerning which she (2) shall take an oath within the 23 silver pieces (3) which are (mentioned) above - he shall give it and he shall take (4) the door.