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APIS Translation (English)

P. OIM 14067, recto: (Sp.956) (261)[Shout!] I have taken acclamation, I have ascended to the upper sky of Re, I have fashioned Nekhbet, (262)I [have descended] to the lower sky, I have fashioned Sekhm[et]... (263)...I have nourished Re. The guardian of the [complete(?)] Vulture... (264)Re lives in me every day; if life be at his nose, life will be at my nose; if he be a noble, I will be a noble; the love of him will be the love of me. (265)My mother [has installed me] in the midst of herself, because what is disliked is that Seth should see me when I reappear. O you who are in the Suite, (266)[who see] the young Horus every day as a protection for his Eye, I [will be a child] every day--so says Re of me. [If I] do not place (267)[him, he will not place me(?)], and Heneg will be astray(?)... (268) fear Re and Horus, and Horus is content... (269)the powers of Seth are sealed off(?), and I will be a child--so says Re of me. He does not place me (270)because I see(?) what Re desires every day...on which Re lives every day...the Mistress of Eternity, [the Mistress of] the limits of the sky, who will not die, perish, be destroyed or come to nothing because of it; (therefore) I will not die, perish, be destroyed or come to nothing. (271)Re [has installed me] within Nekhbet... (272)[...I have guided my father(?)] Re, and he has given me the year's bread...this my... (273)which is in Nekhbet. May I ascend to the sky as the young Horus, may I descend to the earth as Shestet, for my wand is mightier than his wand. I am the heir of eternity, (274)I have passed everlasting.