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APIS Translation (English)

P. OIM 14068, recto: (Sp.957) (275)...I have...the bark of acclamation. Shout! I have fashioned the bark of acclamation. I have ascended to the upper sky, and I have fashioned Nekhbet. (276) the lower sky of Re, and I have fashioned Sekhmet. I have power in the shrine, for I have nourished Re; I have traversed the middle sky. (277)...Re-Atum for him, because I am Maat in these manifestations of hers which are upon and in the middle of Nekhbet, the entire Vulture... (278)...Re lives thereby every day; if [nose]; if he be a noble, I will be a noble, the love of him... (279) the midst of herself, because what is disliked is that [Seth] should see... (280)...the young Horus on the lap of Re as a protection...[so sa]ys Re of me. If I do not place [him] (281)Heneg who is astray(?) will not place me. May my eyes be open and may he clear my vision, so that I may not fear Apep the Wanderer(?), (282)and [he] will never see Maat or Re, so that you may not be afraid, O Re; if Horus be content, Maat will be content. O you who are on high within the doors (283)...[of] Nekhbet, the double doors will be opened, Re will shine, the powers of Seth will be sealed off(?). O you who are in the Suite who see the young Horus, if he be a child, I will be a child (284) that I may not be afraid. (285)...I am that Maat who is in the midst of Nekhbet, who loves Re, Mistress of eternity, Mistress of the limits of [sky] and destr[oyed] because she se[es]. (286)I am within my mother the Mistress of Pe and mine is her Pe. Re has installed me within Nekhbet, in the midst of Nekhbet, (287)...the great ones [have po]wer over me. If I see Re, Re will see me; may Re flourish and be glad, for I myself am alive (288)[and glad(?)]. I will [reapp]ear, for I have guided my father Re, I have received his year's bread and his thrice daily beer. O every god and every spirit (289) fair and true...when I appear [as] him who is in Nekhbet; may I ascend to the sky as Horus of the Netherworld, may I descend to the lower sky as Shestet (290)...his power for I am one who passes...within...(291) and earth, your deserts of the nomads come to you...