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APIS Translation (English)

P. OIM 14069, recto: (Sp.958) (292)To become... (293)Dread has fallen on the gods of the horizon, so stand up, O you who dwell in your shrines! They see their joy in me, for I appear as Sia. (294)...those who are in mourning, because he goes to and fro for them; those who are in the limits of the horizon rejoice because he judges business (295) lips speak [to] the Great Lady, seeing that Thoth writes therein. It is I who dispatch Maat to the horizon, and my name is injured(?). (296)...Sia belongs to Re. (Sp.959) (297)[To become] the scribe of the great god, the greatest of... (298)I am [Re], the great one in the midst of his Eye, who went forth separated(?); I be separated(?)...have come on your account. (299)O you who are on the willow(?), I am he who excludes(?) (men) from Maat. See, I know and I have spoken; I have come and surpassed the great ones. I sit on the bench(?) (300)and deliver my judgments, my retainers are the sun-folk, for I will be the scribe of the great god, the greatest of the tribunal of the god. (Sp.539) (301)[I am] the son of the Lord of All, the scribe of Hathor, (302)...who will [never fa]ll...I will not fall, perish, suffer or die. (Sp.960) (303)...Re who excludes the sun-folk, [who] all belong to me... (304)who displays beauty and who kicks Seth. O You who go round about, I have come that I may see, in company with my double, and I am content with my meal. (305)...great and [small], I have brought up(?) the two Hu-gods with the aid of my meat(?), and there is no god or goddess who can oppose himself (or herself) to me. (306)...being what she did for me. Good...I am not...who can oppose himself to me.