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APIS Translation (English)

P. OIM 14072, recto: (Sp.965) (334) Thoth, I have taken the strength of Re-Atum, I am Shu, Lord of All, I have come on foot so that I may be strong. (335)...I have come against that foe of mine, and he is put an end to beneath me, even he whom I have placed in the tribunal. (Sp.966) (336) it. I am... (Sp.967) (340)...the Ram, I am primeval(?), my phallus is primeval(?), my seed is that of the Bull of the sun-folk. (341) his double. I have traveled to Osiris and to his double, and he has given me his house and his seed that I may copulate with it. (342)...what I desire...I traverse Upper Egypt... (344) my horn(?) and my lasso. It means that(?) strong and that what is damaged is the thigh of Osiris. My phallus is that of Min on the day of (345)...-birds, I am the Ram, and I have come that I may be a crocodile-spirit. (Sp.968) (346)...Bull of the great sun-folk of Atum...the uraeus...Nehebkaw...