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APIS Translation (English)

P. OIM 14079, recto: (Sp.288) (424)I am a flame (moving) before the wind to the end of the sky and the end of the earth, I travel [the air] and traverse [the ea]rth...on the eastern side of the celestial vault (425)...the dawn, I am he who divides the storm. (Sp.989) (426)...of the great storm-cloud [go forth(?)] from the horizon, the inner apartment of Her who bore the gods on... (429) this her great and mighty [new]er-fish(?) which is in the sky...within the god's tamarisk[-clump(?)] (430)which enfolds Thoth when Isis comes, and she says: 'Semen shall be destroyed for you and...before your days have come.' (431)[What] is to be done about this? The god shall ejaculate semen and...I will have brought to you this iron which is in the bow of the bark of Henew. (432)...arms of Khepri... (434)...who is among the gods. shall guide him who has served you, and I will fly up as...the plumes of Henew shall be given to you (435)and their...shall be on top of Henew. The south-wind shall be given to you for your henchman and the north-wind for your nurse; the plume of the Beauteous One shall be tied on her sister. (436)...which is between them both. I will make ascents to the horizon, for I reached the horizon as a uraeus when I was born.