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APIS Translation (English)

P. OIM 14080, recto: (Sp.990) ...(437) [wi]ng is He who is foremost...They make out my name (438)[as] Divine Fa[lc]on, they raise me up to Re-Atum, my father who fashioned me. I have come to my [se]at which is in Malachite-land north of (439) food is in the Field of Offerings, in the waterways of turquoise, and it is the djesytet who will feed me. (440)...I possess my spirit, [I possess my(?)] soul as the bull of his stall(?) on the boat... (442) guide [is Ma]at. (Sp.991) (443)...the seed which issued from the encircling wrapping. I am he who broke the teeth of him who cut away the iron. (444)...[stren]gth and might who took crocodile-shape. (445)...that crocodile whose tongue was cut out because of the mutil[ation]... (446)...lord of the [Ni]le...I am [that(?)] god [who rises in] the East and sets in the West, to whom the Niles are given. (447)I am he who rises, who has no weakness because of the gods of the nomes. I am that god whom the eight row. (448)...[Sob]ek, the rebel [who is among] you, [you] gods; you cannot do anything against me, you spirits or you dead. (449) whom are given semw[et-women]...