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APIS Translation (English)

O. OIM 12296, recto: (1) Depletion(?) that the overseer of food Bakenwerel has done in that it was [taken out?] (2) of the mortuary temple of King Aakheperkare by the policeman Pa(3)ser. 1 mat(!) which was therein: psn-bread. 10 baskets, one of them filled with (4) tigernuts, another with grapes and tigernuts. 10 pat-bread. 2 sab-bread. Incense-bread. 1 white bread. 3 dom-palm nuts. X palm leaves. (5) 5 [...] vegetables. Also by the policeman Paser: 30 psn-bread. 5 sab-bread. [...] (6) 5 pat-bread. 1 ds-jug of beer. Also by the policeman Huwi: 5 psn-bread. [...] (7) 2 [...] 1 chip basket. 1 psn-bread. 1 bowl(!) of tigernuts. 1 ds-jug of grapes. Also: (8) 5 [sab-bread]. 20 pat-bread. 1 chip basket with entrails. Also by the policeman Pa(9)ser: 5 psn-bread. 8 white bread. 10 pat-bread. 10 small bia-bread. (10) 1 htp-basket [flowers]. (1) chip basket. Also by the policeman (11) Huwi: 2 psn-bread. 5 wha-cakes. 15 dom-palm nuts. [...] grapes. (12) 1 copper milk jug(?). Also by [...] (13) 2 [...] 2 bia-bread. 1 unit of dates. X dom-palm nuts. [trans. taken from Helck]