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APIS Translation (English)

(Col. I);;To the lord Petros, pragmat(--) of this estate through Johannes, cashier, to meet the order for payment of the very renowned commander: 18 solidi;;[On the .]4th: To the meizon apa Hor: 3 solidi minus 18 (keratia);;To Phoibammon what I received for the breast-plates through the lord Johannes, cashier: 6 keratia;;To Athanasios for the deacon: 3 solidi minus 18 (keratia);;[[To the lord Johannes - - - to meet the order for payment of the commander: 18 solidi;]];In Choiak: For barley as fodder for the horses of the horseman: 19 keratia;;To the person set in authority over the [. . .] for Petros, procurator . . .: 14 1/2 solidi;;For papyrus for the - - - pagarch - - -: [. .] solidi