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APIS Translation (English)

1) Regnal year 20, second month of . . . of Pharaoh, 1.p.h., Amasis, 1.p.h. Said �Ǫ of the �Ǫ (son of);2) Irt-@r-r.w, whose mother is Irt.w-r-r.w, to the Cultivatots of Horus of Edfu on the island of M�Ǫy: You have caused;3) my heart to agree to the money for the bull concerning which I am contesting with you,;4) saying: One seized it from Irt-@r-r.w, son of P3y.f-T3w-a.wy-B3s.t, my father.�ǥ I will not be able to come (before you);5) concerning it. No man will be able to come before you in the name of Irt-@r-r.w, son of P3y.f-T3w-a.wy-B3s.t.;6) (As for) the one who will come before you concerning it, I will cause him to be far fom you. If fail to;7) cause him to be far from you, I will give to you five kite of silver of the Treasury of Ptah, refined,;8) without citing any document in the world with you. �ǣ Written by P3-ti-Is.t, son of @r-wD3.