sign in

APIS Translation (English)

Frag. G;(x+1). . ] Teos, her mother (being) Tan[as . .;(x+2). . ] its courtyard . . [ . .;(x+3). . ] . . . . . . . .;(x+4). . ] neighbors of the [ . .;(x+5). . ] I will cause to be far [ . .;;Frag. H;(1) . . ] who love their father, the priest of A[lexander . .;(2) . . the ] beneficent [goddess], the woman [ . .;(3) . . ] [to] the farmer [ . .;(4) . . ] . . measuring, 2[5] divine-cubits [ . . ;(5) . . ] canal Moeris [ . . ;(6) . . ] half aforesaid. [third] [ . .;(7) . . ] If I do not cause to be far from thee [ . .;;Frag. I;(x+1). . ] the neighbors of which [ . .;;Verso;(x+1)Petubastis, (son of) [Sn][..];(x+2) [Psenesis], (son of) . . [ . . ];(x+3). . . . (son of) . . [ . . ];(x+4)Petesuchos, (son of) [ . . . . ];(x+5) [ Petearmotis, (son of) [ . . . .];(x+6) [Nechthpharous , (son of) [ . . . . ];;Frag. K;(x+1). . ] . . . . [ . .;(x+2). . ] . . . . [ . .;(x+3). . ] . . . . [ . .;(x+4). . Pete[armotis . . ;;Frag. L;(x+1). . ] I will make for thee the document of cession [. . ;(x+2). . ] . . . . . . . . . . [ . .;(x+3). . ] to thee (on) a day within ten days [ . . ;(x+4). . ] his mother (being) Nebwotis, her husband [ . .;;Frag. M;(x+1). . ] . . . . [ . .;(x+2). . Nech]utes, (son of) . . . . [ . . . has written it.