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APIS Translation (English)

R;"You went to Daniel,;when he was down in the pit of the lions,;and you saved him before evil befell him.; Manner: same;The angel of the Lord;seeks those who fear Him,;says the temple-singer David.;The archangel Michael:;he it is who seeks this people,;as he entreats Christ on our behalf,;that He may forgive us our sins.;Manner: same;I saw a mighty angel;in the heavens, I, Johannes,;and I called his name Michael,;as he shouted out:"Every nation;fear the Lord of powers,;because his His mercy continues forever.";Manner same:;Seven archangels;surround the throne of the Living One.;The greatest amongst them is Michael.;He it is who entreats the Living One (saying):;"Be merciful with the sons of Adam,;because it is upon You that their case rests.";Manner: Who is the one wise and intelligent?;Who is like you,;Michael, you of the praiseworthy name?;The living One saw you;in your mercy,;and he let you be at his right hand,;as you entreated concerning the race of Adam.";V.;"Manner: It is you who are the lofty maountain.;Let those of the heavens rejoice,;and let those of the entire earth be glad;concerning Michael,;because the Lord has chosen him.;He has given him the might and the power,;proud and honored,;and He let him entreat Him (saying):;"Be merciful concerning the race of Adam.";Manner: same.;I saw a great marvel,;my father, in this city today,;and a widespread joy.;Tell me what this thing is.;He said:;"My son, this is the great Michael,;entreating the Living One (saying):;'Be merciful concerning the race of Adam.' "; Manner: Rejoice, consolation of the angels.;As regards the beauty of the sweetness of Michael:;he is in the midst of the angels,;the diadem is on his head,;the staff is in his hand,;because he it is who is at the right hand of the Saviour,;entreating Him always (saying):;"Be merciful concerning Your likeness,;because it is upon you that their care rests."; Manner: same;Your name is sweet as it is uttered,;archangel Michael,;ad your fellow-servant as well,;Gabriel, the bringer of good tidings."