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APIS Translation (English)

"Anuti, the least sinner, it is who writes to his beloved lord and holy father, Apa Makarios, and Apa Apollo, and my brother Joseph, saying: I greet you with my whole heart. Be so good and think of me, for besides God you are my lord and father, you are my consolation, you are my consolation, you are every good that I possess. I greet your holy Paternity. Thanks to your prayers, blessing has come to me. I pay respect to your Paternity at all times. Be so good and think of me. As to the little letter which you wrote with such great kindness concerning Heray to Papa Naro and Anute concerning the little children of Amata: I went and I did it. While we were . . . . . . . . . ., I and Paul the son of Kouson. They sent me after them for us. They sent to them their dues (?) in the vineyard and their share in the house. They came to an agreement with them. Be so good to your son and give a little water of the feet of holy men and a little blessing of our father and a little . . . . . . in your blessing. Give them to Pamoute and he will bring tehm to me and they will be a healing to me. Verily I hang upon nothing of this world except your blessing. Salvation in the Lord!";(Recto a): "Give it to my Lord Father Apa Makare. From Anuti."