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APIS Translation (English)

"I, Pyew, . . . . . . . . . . . . in the district of Eshmunain, writing to Apa John . . . . . . . . . . . . and Apollo in the same district, do write: I owe [you twenty (?)] sextarii of wine at the vat of the place of Pamoun [without any am]biguity. And I am ready to give them to you [without change or altera]tion, and to take of them for you (any that are) sour (?) or inactive (?), not later than Pa[one of the eighth in]diction year. And if I deceive you I am ready to (give them to you (?) without judgmen)t, without law, without any ambiguity. I, Pyew, I [agree to this docu]ment according to the manner in which I write. I, Phib, the so[n of . . . . . . . . . . I] am witness to this document. I, Joseph, the [son of . . . . . . . .I am] witness. Written Choiak 9th, of the eigth indiction year."