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APIS Translation (English)

"Pausiris, son of Pausiris, grandson of Ammonios, his mother being Thaesis, daughter of Dioskous, of the city of Oxyrhynchos, a Persian of the Epigone, to Tauris, her mother being Tauris, daughter of Annibas of the same city, who is acting with her guardian, her maternal uncle Thoonis, son of Annibas. I acknowledge that I have received from you at the Serapeum in the city of Oxyrhynchos through the bank of Ammonios, Sarapion and Co, [the capital sum of] three hundred [drachmai] of Augustan silver coinage, [that is 300 drachmai of silver], which includes one pair of gold earrings, forty drachmai in value, a chain of a weight of thirty drachmai of uncoined silver, [(something)], one hundred and sixty drachmai in value, and [(something)], worth eighty drachmai. I shall repay the aforesaid capital to you within thirty days of request. I further acknowledge that if there is a separation while you are pregnant, I shall pay you, aside from the aforesaid capital, another 100 drachmai of silver for the expense of childbirth. If I do not make repayment [as written, I shall pay] you the aforesaid capital with a penalty of one-half, [and you have the right of exaction upon me and everything] I own. [This document is enforceable wherever it is pro]duced [and for everybody producing it."