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APIS Translation (English)

[(Col.) 158];;Heraklas, of unknown father, his mother being [Taonnophris]: 4 drachmai;Horion, his son, his mother being Demarous: 4 drachmai;Heras, son of Petheus and Didymarion, grandson of Heras, for ch(--): 4 drachmai;Horion, son of Petheus and Komonis, grandson of Esouris, for ch(--): 4 drachmai;Psenesis, his brother, (born) of the same mother, for ch(--): 4 drachmai;Agathopous, slave of Thermouthis also called Tpaiaitis, for ch(--): 4 drachmai;Gaius Valerius Apolinarius - (through) Chairemon, son of Patis - for garden land of year 13: for apomoira, 1 drachme 5 obols 2 chalkoi; for olive (transportation), 1 1/2 obols 2 chalkoi; for naubion, 1 obol 2 chalkoi; for supplements, 3 obols; for eparourion, 1 drachme 1 1/2 obols; for supplements, 1/2 obol 2 chalkoi; for kollybos, 1/2 obol. Total: 4 drachmai 2 obols.;(And) for another (land): for apomoira, 3 drachmai 1/2 obol 2 chalkoi; for naubion, 2 obols; [for supplements, 4 obols 2 chalkoi]; for eparourion, 2 drachmai 1/2 obol; for supplements, 1 obol 2 chalkoi; for kollybos, 1/2 obol 2 chalkoi. Total: 6 drachmai 3 1/2 obols.;(And) for the naubion of the catoeci, for year 14: 1 drachme 2 obols; for supplements: [1 obol; for kollybos: 2 chalkoi]. Total: 1 drachme 3 obols 2 chalkoi.;And (for) Tapetheus, daughter of Pasoknopaios: for garden land of year 13: for apomoira, 1 <drachme> 4 1/2 obols; for olive (transportation), 2 obols; for naubion, 1 obol 2 chalkoi; [for supplements, 2 1/2 obols]; for eparourion, 1 drachme 1 obol; for supplements, 1/2 obol 2 chalkoi; for kollybos, 1/2 obol. Total: 4 drachmai 1/2 obol.;(And) for the naubion of the catoeci, for year 14: 1 drachme [1/2 obol; for supplements:] 1/2 obol 2 chalkoi; for kollybos: 2 chalkoi. Total: 1 drachme 1 1/2 obols. (In left margin: 16 drachmai 28 obols.);Artemas, son of Heron and Thaesis, grandson of Petheus, for ch(--): 8 drachmai;Kastor, his son, his mother being Thaesis, for ch(--): 8 drachmai 28 obols;Orsenouphis, son of Ptolemaios and Thaesis, grandson of Orsenouphis, for ch(--): 4 drachmai;Sokmenis, son of Sokrates and Tapetheus, grandson of Phasis, for ch(--): 8 drachmai;Orsenouphis, son of Pakysis and Tapetheus, grandson of Artemidoros, for ch(--): 8 drachmai;Total for the day: 900 drachmai 27 obols.;;On the 16th, similarly:;Euemeros, son of Aunes and [Tepheros], grandson of Aunes: 28 drachmai 4 obols, (and) for the pig tax: 5 obols [2 chalkoi]. Total: 29 drachmai 3 obols 2 chalkoi.;Ammonios, son of Ammonios and [Tninis, grandson of Ammonios, for ch(--)]: 4 drachmai