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APIS Translation (English)

"Column 6:;Hadrianeios 20:;Heraklas, without father, mother Taonnophris, 12 drachmas;;12th year, the same, 4 drachmas;;Phaesis, son of Pasoxis, grandson of Polyndikos, mother Taesis, 12 drachmas;;The same12th year, the remainder is the administrator fee;;Teos, son of Mysthes, grandson of Anchophis, mother Tanais, 8 drachmas;;Ptolemaios, son of Nestosiris, grandson of Petheus, mother Thermouthis, 8 drachmas;;Phanomgeus, son of Petheus, grandson of Satabous, mother Tamystha, 4 drachmas;;Onnophris, son of Pasoknopaios, grandson of Petsiris, mother Heros, 8 drachmas;;Pnepheros, son of Ptolemaios, grandson of Pnepheros, mother Heras, 4 drachmas;;Sarapion, son of Apollonios, grandson of Harpagathes, mother Thernouthis, 4 drachmas;;Ptolemaios, son of Phanomgeus, grandson of Phanomgeus, mother Taptosiris, 8 drachmas;;Petaus, son of Petaus, grandson of Petheus, mother Isis, 8 drachmas;;The same12th year; the remainder is the administrator fee;Apitas, son of Chairemon, grandson of Apita, mother Tasoucharion, 8 drachmas;;12th year, Ptolemaios, son of Petheus, grandson of Sokmenis, mother Tapapeis, the remainder is the administrator fee;;Likewise Petheus, the son, mother Tkelbaus, the remainder is the administrator fee;;Sambas, son of Sokmenis, grandson of Sambas, mother Tkollainis, 28 obols;;Charidemos, son of Petoraipis, grandson of Onnophris, mother Thaesis, 4 drachmas;;The total for the day 120 drachmas, 1 obol of which the 12th year 16 drachmas, 2 obols.;The21st of the same (month);;Heraklas, son of Apollonios, grandson of Heraklas, mother, 16 drachmas;;Petheus, son of Didymos, grandson of Maron, mother Thaesis, 4 drachmas;;Pnepheros, son of Pnepheros, grandson of Pnepheros, mother Tapetheus, 4 drachmas;;Herieus the Younger, son of Horos, grandson of Pnepheros, mother Thaesis, 8 drachmas;;Sarapion, son of Valerius, grandson of Sarapion, mother Stotoetis, 8 drachmas;;Sambas, son of Pasoknopaios, grandson of Horos, mother Tapetheus, 8 drachmas;;The12th year, Ptolemaios, son of Petheus, grandson of Pnepheros, mother Taseus, 4 bronze drachmas, the remainder is the admionistrator fee;;Petaus, son of Erieus, grandson of Petaus, mother Tremenesis, 4 drachmas;;Ptolemaios, son of Harmiysis, grandson of Pnepheros, mother Tasoucharion, 4drachmas;;in total for the day drachmas 164, 20 obols of which for the 12th year 4 drachmas, 20 obols;;The 22nd of the same (month);;Theabennis, son of Harphaesis, grandson of Theabenis, mother Thaesis, 8 drachmas;;Petheus, son of Pasoxis, grandson of Petheus, mother Segathis, 4 drachmas;;Pasion, brother, with the same mother, 4 drachmas;;Phasis, son of Tesenouphis, grandson of Harphaesis, mother Thaesis, 4 drachmas;;Phanomgeus, son of Pnepheros, grandson of Panomgeus, mother Thaesis, 8 drachmas; ;Satabous, son of Dioskoros, grandson of Satabous, mother Tahorion, 4 drachmas;;Pnepheros, son of Petaus, grandson of Pnepheros, mother Thaesis, 8 drachmas;;Petesouchos, son of Petheus, grandson of Petesouchos, mother Stiynchis, 4 drachmas."