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APIS Translation (English)

"[(Column) 9]:;Anchophis, son of Anchophis, grandson of Petheus, mother Taorsenouphis, drachmas 8;;Petesouchos, son of Petheus, grandson of Petaus, mother Thaesis, drachmas 8;;in total for the day, drachmas 160, obols 9, of which in the12th year drachmas 12, obols 20;;(Hadrianeios) 28 likewise:;Horos the younger, son of Hatres, grandson of Horos, mother Teraus, drachmas 4;;Onnophris, son of Pnepheros, grandson of Phanomgeus, mother Thaesis, drachmas 4;;Horion, son of Kanis, grandson of Anchophis, mother Thermouthis, drachmas 8;;Maron, son of Satabous, grandson of Maron, mother Tkonnos, drachmas 4;;Menches, brother, with the same mother, drachmas 4;;Phaesis, son of Pekmes alias Euremon, mother Sambathion, drachmas 8;;Mysthes, son of Patkonnis, grandson of Harobros, mother Ptolema, drachmas 8;;Ptolemaios, son of Phanomgeus, grandson of Phanomgeus, mother Tapsais, drachmas 8;;Petoraipis, son of Hatres, grandson of Imouthes, mother Soeris, drachmas 4;;Herakleides, son of Abychis, grandson of Abychis, mother Herais, drachmas 4;;Ptolemaios, son of Naaraus, grandson of Horion, mother Taorsenouphis, drachmas 4;;Lucius Longinus Gemellus, for the third (of the revenue) of the bath establishment including extra charges, drachmas 28;;Petesouchos, son of Petheus, grandson of Petesouchos, mother Stiynchis, drachmas 8;;Harsiesis, son of Peteus, grandson of Harsiesis, mother Thatres, drachmas 4;;(in left margin): thus until the account for Mecheir.;Petheus, son of Heron, grandson of Pnepheros, mother Eserempis, drachmas 4, obols 27;;Leonides, son of Ptolemaios, grandson of Pnepheros, mother Heras, drachmas 4;;Petaus, son of Petheus, grandson of Petaus, mother Tapasion, drachmas 4;;Karanos, son of Orsenouphis, grandson of Imouthes, mother Tapetsiris, drachmas 4;;Phaesis, son of Heras, grandson of Orsenouphis, mother Isidora, drachmas 4;;Chairemon, son of Heron, grandson of Orsenouphis, mother Didyme, drachmas 4;;Achillas, brother with the same mother, drachmas 4;;Pakysis, son of Phanomgeus, grandson of Pakysis, mother Tepheros, drachmas 4;;Pakysis, son of Phasis, grandson of Esouris, mother Tanomgeus, drachmas 8;;in total for the day, drachmas 144, obols 26, of which a third is for the bath-tax drachmas 28;;(Hadrianeios) 29 likewise:;Komon, fatherless, mother Tasoucharion, drachmas 8;;Anchophis, son of Petheus, grandson of Anchophis, mother Aphrodous, drachmas 8;;Horos, son of Menandros, grandson of Anchophis, mother Soeris, obols 28;;Heron, son of Ekysis, grandson of Menadros, mother Herais, drachmas 12, obols 28;;Chairemon, son of Phanomgeus, grandson of Phanomgeus, mother Tbelles, drachmas 4;;Heras, son of Onnophris, grandson of Onnophris, mother Sopas, drachmas 4;;in total for the day, drachmas 40, obols 26.;(Hadrianeios) 30 likewise:;(uncertain abbreviation in the left margin), Leontas, son of Ptolemaios, grandson of Ptolemaios, mother Kastorous, drachmas 24;;(uncertain abbreviation in the left margin, Harpalos, son of Apion, grandson of Harpalos, mother Valeria, drachmas 8;;Sambas, son of Peteesis, grandson of Apollonios, mother Tanomgeus, drachmas 4, obols 28;;Apion, son of Ammonios, grandson of Apion, mother Apollonous, drachmas 20;;12th year, Pnepheros, son of Akousilaos, grandson of Pasoknopaios, mother Thatres, drachmas 6,;water-guard from the village of Magdola."