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APIS Translation (English)

" [Column 11]:;(Tybi) 10 likewise:;Sarapion, son of Ptolemaios, grandson of Sarapion, mother Thaesis, drachmas 18, obols 8;;12th year the same, ? copper drachmas:;Petheus, son of Pasoxis, grandson of Petheus, mother Segathis, drachmas 4, obols 28;;Phaseis, son of Tesenouphis, grandson of Harphaesis, mother Thaesis, drachmas 4;;Phanomgeus, brother with the same mother, drachmas 4;;Esouris, son of Petheus, grandson of Akousilaos, mother Ptolema, drachmas 4, 27 obols;;Pnepheros, son of Petaus, grandson of Pnepheros, mother Thaesis, drachmas 4, 28 obols;;Ptolemaios, son of Naaraus, grandson of Horion, mother Taorsenouphis, drachmas 4;;Onnophris, son of Petheus, grandson of Petheus, mother Ptolema, drachmas 8;;Psenesis, son of Parmenion, grandson of Psenesis, mother Tkonnos, drachmas 8;;Heras, son of Petsiris, grandson of Heras, mother Isidora, drachmas 12, obols 27;;Ptollas, brother with the same mother, drachmas 20;;Agathopos, slave of Thermouthis alias Tpaieitis, drachmas 4;;Dionysios, fatherless, mother Tepheros, drachmas 8;;Ptolemaios, son of Papeis, grandson of Petheus, mother Thermouthis, drachmas 16;;Horos, son of Harpagathes, grandson of Horos, mother Thaesis, drachmas 12;;Petheus, son of Ptollis, grandson of Herakles, mother Thases, drachmas 4;;12th year, Petheus, son of Petheus, grandson of Petheus, mother Taelekis, from Magdola, drachmas 6, 1 obol;;Karanos, son of Orsenouphis, grandson of Imouthes, mother Tapetsiris, obols 28;;Komon, son of Pnepheros, grandson of Satabous, mother Tkollauthis, drachmas 4, 28 obols;;Ptolemaios, son of Petheus, grandson of Heras, mother Thaisas, drachmas 8;;Heras, son of Melanas, grandson of Petheus, mother Tamystha, drachmas 8;;Theon, son of Theon, grandson of Petheus, mother Zoidous, drachmas 4 ? copper drachmas of priests;;in total for the day drachmas188, obols 23, of which 12th year drachmas 12, obols 19."