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APIS Translation (English)

"(Column). 92 ;The 6th of the same (month);;Petaus, son of Petalos, grandson of Petaus, mother Taeuhemeros, 8 drachmas;;Heras, son of Isidoros (Hermias son of Antinoeus);;{in the left margin: 8 drachmas, [1]8 obols} orchard taxes of the 12th year apomoira 1 drachma 1.5 obols, tax on produce of olive oil 1 obol 2 chalkoi, naubion 0.5 obol 2 chalkoi, surcharges 2 obols;; eparourion 5 obols, surcharges 0.5 obols, kollybos 0.5 obol, the total 2 drachmas, 5.5 obols;;geometria the 12th year 6 drachmas 1.5 obols, surcharges 2.5 obols, the total 6 drachmas 4 obols;;Polydeukes, son of Panefremis, grandson of Samba, mother Isidora 44 drachmas, the administrator fee 12 drachmas;;Isidoros the brother, the same mother, 4 drachmas, the administrator fee 12 drachmas;;Sokmenis, son of Apynchis, grandson of Samba, mother Thatris, 4 drachmas the administrator fee 12 drachmas;;Sisois, son of Naaraus, the younger, grandson of Theabennis, mother Thaisas 4 bronze drachmas;;Horos, son of Petheus, grandson of Aunes, mother Eserempis, the administrator fee 4 drachmas;;total for the day 112 drachmas 18 obols;;the 7th of the same (month);;Pasion, son of Pasoxis, grandson of Petheus, mother Segathis, the administrator fee 8 drachmas;;Theabennis, son of Harphaesis, grandson of Thebennis, mother Thaesis, 8 bronze drachmas;;Horion, son of Heron, alias Heras, grandson of Sisois, mother Segathis, guard tax, 28 obols;;Phasis, son of Tesenouphis, grandson of Harphaesis, mother Thaesis the administrator fee 4 drachmas;;Phanomgeus, the brother, the same mother, the administrator fee 8 drachmas;;Aphrodisis, son of Onnophris, grandson of Pnepheros, mother Ptolema, the administrator fee 8 drachmas;;Horion, son of Kanis, grandson of Anchophis, mother Thermouthis, the administrator fee 8 drachmas;;Pasion, son of Petsiris, grandson of Pasion, mother Thases, the administrator fee 4 drachmas;;Mysthes, son of Mysthes, grandson of Mysthes, mother Tasoucharion, guard tax, 4 drachmas;;Ptolemaios, son of Phanomgeus, mother Tapsais, the administrator fee 8 drachmas;;Anchorymphis, son of Petheus, the younger, grandson of Anchorymphis, mother Apollonous, the administrator fee 8 drachmas;;Petoraipis, son of Hatris, grandson of Imouthes, mother Soeris, the administrator fee 4 drachmas;;Satabous, son of Dioskoros, grandson of Satabous, mother Tahorion, the administrator fee 4 drachmas;;Petheus, son of Petheus, grandson of Onnophris, mother Taphaseis, the administrator fee 4 drachmas;;Heron, son of Onnophris, grandson of Theabennis, mother Tapetheus, administrator fee 4 drachmas;;Kastor, son of Petheus, the cultivator in the 2nd cleruchy of the taxes;;{in the left margin 8 drachmas 3 obols} taxes on the productive costal land for the 13th year, the apomoira for the property of Psenarpsenesis Maikenatiane 2 drachmas 2 chalkoi naubion 1.5 obols, surcharges 3 obols;;eparourion 1 drachma 2.5 obols 2 chalkoi, surcharges 0.5 obol 2 chalkoi kollybos, the total 4 drachmas 4.5 obols 2 chalkoi;;1/4 of geometria 2 drachmas 4.5 obols, surcharges 1 obol 2 chalkoi, the total 2 drachmas 5.5 obols 2 chalkoi;;Heras, son of Petheus, grandson of Heras, mother Didymarion, 4 drachmas the administrator fee 4 drachmas;;Pnepheros, son of Ptolemaios cultivator in the 21st cleruchy;;{in the left margin: 24 drachmas} taxes on dates for the 12th year in the administrative district of Patsontis;;, 22 drachmas, surcharges 1 drachma 3 obols, the total 23 drachmas, 3 obols;;Psenesis, son of Petheus, grandson of Esouris, mother Komonis the administrator fee 8 drachmas."