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APIS Translation (English)

�ǣ(Column). 141;Longinia Isias (daughter of Alexander);;{in the left margin: geometria for the 12th year 71 drachmas, 1.5 obols, surcharges 4 drachmas, 3 obols, the total 75 drachmas, 4.5 obols;;Phaesis, son of Pasoxis, grandson of Phaesis, mother Tapetsiris, 44 drachmas;;Papos alias Chaireas;;{in the left margin: 60 drachmas} geometria for the 12th year 56 drachmas, 1 obol, 2 chalkoi, surcharges 3 drachmas,, 3 obols, the total 57 drachmas, 4 obols, 2 chalkoi;;Gaios Longinus Longos [(. . .]os);;{in the left margin: 20 drachmas, 26 obols, which are deposits from Sarap(), sheet 44, 16 drachmas} orchard taxes for the 12th year apomoira 1 drachma, 5 obols, 2 chalkoi, tax on the produce of olive oil 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, naubion 1 obol, 2 chalkoi, surcharges 3 obols, eparourion 1 drachma, 1.5 obol, surcharges 0.5 obol, 2 chalkoi, kollybos 0.5 obol, the total 4 drachmas, 2 obols;;geometria for the 12th year 17 drachmas, 2 obols, surcharges 1 drachma, 0.5 obol, the total 18 drachmas, 2.5 obols;;Pasion, son of Kommon, grandson of Esouris, mother Taseus, the administrator fee 16 drachmas the remaining the administrator fee;;Horion the son, mother Tauris, the administrator fee 12 drachmas the remaining the administrator fee;;Kastor, slave of Pasion, the administrator fee 12 drachmas the remaining the administrator fee;;Gaios Julius Marion through Athenarion Psammios through Ptolemaios son of Achillas;;{in the left margin: 40 drachmas, 21 obols, 40 drachmas, 24 obols} geometria for the 12th year 40 drachmas, surcharges 2 drachmas, 3 obols, the total, 42 drachmas, 3 obols;;Sempronios, son of Ptolemaios (Maklas);;{in the left margin: 24 drachmas, 5 obols} orchard taxes for the 12th year apomoira 3 drachmas, 0.5 obol, 2 chalkoi, tax on the produce of olive oil 3 obols, 2 chalkoi, naubion 2 obols, 2 chalkoi, surcharges 5 obols;;eparourion 2 drachmas, 0.5 obol, surcharges 1 obol, 2 chalkoi, kollybos 0.5 obol, 2 chalkoi, the total 7 drachmas, 1.5 obol, 2 chalkoi;;geometria for the 12th year 15 drachmas, 3.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, surcharges 1 drachma, the total 16 drachmas, 3.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;Demetri() (son or daughter) Dorionos (Isidoros Makra);;{in the left margin: 104 drachmas, 12 obols from Sarap()} orchard taxes for the 12th year apomoira 3 drachmas, 4.5 obols, tax on the produce of olive oil 3 obols, 2 chalkoi, naubion 2 obols, 2 chalkoi, surcharges 1 drachma;;eparourion 2 drachmas, 3 obols, surcharges 1 obol, 2 chalkoi, kollybos 1 obol, the total 8 drachmas, 3 obols, 2 chalkoi;;geometria for the 12th year 18 drachmas, 4.5 obols, surcharges 1 drachma, 1 obol, 2 chalkoi, the total 19 drachmas, 5.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;and for Markon Anthestion Gemellon;;orchard taxes for the 12th year apomoira 10 drachmas, tax on the produce of olive oil 1 drachma, 2.5 obols, naubion 1 drachma, surcharges 2 drachmas, 3 obols;;eparourion 6 drachmas, 4 obols, surcharges 3.5 obols, kollybos 2 obols, 2 chalkoi, the total 22 drachmas, 3 obols, 2 chalkoi;;geometria for the 12th year 50 drachmas, surcharges 3 drachmas, 0.5 obol, 2 chalkoi, the total 53 drachmas, 0.5 obol, 2 chalkoi;;Longeinos Julianus (Satteba);;Orchard taxes for the 12th year apomoira 2 drachmas, 5.5 obols, tax on the produce of olive oil 2.5 obols, naubion 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, surcharges 4.5 obols;;{in the left margin: 8 drachmas, 9 obols} eparourion 3 drachmas, 4.5 obols, surcharges 2 obols, kollybos 1 obol, the total 8 drachmas, 4.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;{in the left margin: 20 drachmas . . . . .} . . . . . . .. . cultivator in the 68th cleruchy , taxes on the productive costal land for the 13th [year, . . . . . . the property of Maikenatiane;;apomoira 3 drachmas, tax on the produce of olive oil 2 obols, naubion 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, surcharges 4.5 obols;;eparourion 2 drachmas, 1 obol, surcharges 1 obol, kollybos 0.5 obol, 2 chalkoi, the total 6 drachmas, 5 obols;;the fourth of geometria 4 drachmas, 2 obols, surcharges 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, the total 4 drachmas, 3.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;the rent for the 13th [year 7 drachmas, 5 obols, surcharges 3 obols], the total 8 drachmas;;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cultivator in the . . . . .cleruchy;;[taxes on the productive costal land for the 13th year the property];;{in the left margin: 40 drachmas, 10 obols} [. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] , the total 17 drachmas, 4.5 obols, 2 chalkoi.�ǥ