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APIS Translation (English)

�ǣ(Column). 155;the 4th of the same (month);;Herakles, son of Mysthes, grandson of Petheus, mother Charis, 4 bronze drachmas, the remaining the administrator fee;;Ptolemaios, the brother the same mother, 4 bronze drachmas, the remaining the administrator fee;;Phaesis, son of Pasoxis, grandson of Phaesis, mother Tapetsiris,, the administrator fee 12 drachmas;;Sabinus, alias Petheus, son of Sokrates, grandson of Pasion, mother Thaesis, 4 drachmas, the administrator fee 8 drachmas;;Abykis, son of Demas, grandson of Abykis, mother Taonnophris, the administrator fee 4 drachmas;;Sabinus, son of Sisois, grandson of Sokmenis, mother Tapais, the administrator fee 4 drachmas;;Sambas, son of Sokmenis, grandson of sambas, mother Tkollainis, the administrator fee 4 drachmas;;Ptolemaios, son of Esouris, grandson of Heras, mother Thaesis, the remaining the administrator fee;;The total for the day 52 drachmas, 2 obols;;The 5th of the same (month);;Chairemon, son of Areios, grandson of Satabous, mother Tapetaus, the administrator fee 12 drachmas, the remaining the administrator fee;;Areios, son of Sokrates, grandson of Limnaios, mother Tapetaus, the administrator fee 4 drachmas, the remaining 8 bronze obols;;Nekpheraus, son of Euhemeros, grandson of Nekpheraus, mother Taonnophris, the remaining the administrator fee of the priests;;Pnepheros, son of Ptolemaios, grandson of Onnophris, mother Tkollainis, the remaining the administrator fee;;[ . . . . . . . . Lok]retios Klemes (Markianos through Lokretios);;tax for the numbering of katoikoi in 12th year 16 drachmas, 1.5 obols, surcharges 1 drachma, 2 chalkoi, the total 17 drachmas,1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;Sempronios Oustinos (Ptolemaios, son of Panephremis);;orchard tax for the 12th year apomoira 15 drachmas, tax on the produce of olive oil, 3 drachmas, 3 obols, naubion 1 drachma, 3 obols, surcharges 4 drachmas;;eparourion 13 drachmas, 2 obols, surcharges 1 drachma, 0.5 obol, kollybos 4 obols, the total 39 drachmas, 0.5 obol;;Geometria for the 12th year 18 drachmas, 2 obols, surcharges 1 drachma, 1 obol;;Ptolemaios, son of Panephremis, grandson of sambas, mother Isidoros, 4 drachmas, The administrator fee 8 obols;;Ptolemaios, son of Panephremis, grandson of sambas, mother Isidora, the administrator fee 12 drachmas, the remaining the administrator fee;;Petheus, son of Pasion, grandson of Patron (Menas);;{in the left margin: 8 drachmas, 8 obols: orchard tax for the 12th year apomoira 3 drachmas, 4.5 obols, tax on the produce of olive oil 3 obols, 2 chalkoi, naubion 2 obols, 2 chalkoi, surcharges, 5.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;eparourion 2 drachmas, 3 obols, surcharges 1 obol, 2 chalkoi, kollybos 1 obol, 8 drachmas, 3 obols;;Petesouchos, son of Hatres, grandson of Petheus, mother Tapetheus, the remaining the administrator fee;;[Ama]tia Priska (Apychis, porter);;{in the left margin: 24 drachmas, 1 obol} orchard tax for 12th year apomoira 2 drachmas, 3 obols, tax on the produce of olive oil 2 obols, 2 chalkoi, naubion 1.5 obols, surcharges 3.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;eparourion 1 drachma, 4 obols, surcharges 1 obol, kollybos 0.5 obol, 2 chalkoi, the total 5 drachmas, 4 obols, 2 chalkoi;;geometria for the 12th year 6 drachmas, 1.5 obols, surcharges, 2.5 obols, the total 6 drachmas, 4 obols;;and for . . ]pheron son of Heras;;orchard tax for the 12th year apomoira 1 drachma, 5.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, tax on the produce of olive oil 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, naubion 1.5 obols, surcharges 3 obols;;eparourion 1 drachma, 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, surcharges 0.5 obol, 2 chalkoi, kollybos 0.5 obol, the total 4 drachma, 3 obols;;geometria for the 12th year 4 drachma, 5.5 obols, surcharges 2 obols, the total 5 drachmas, 1.5 obols.�ǥ