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APIS Translation (English)

�ǣ(Column). 156;Sambous, son of Petheus;;{in the left margin: from Sarap();payment of interest belonging to financial administration for the 13th year [ 499 dirty drachmas, 3 obols];;the total for the day 656 drachmas, 12 obols;;the 6th of the same (month);;Theon, son of Petheus, grandson of Theon, mother Herais, 12 drachmas, the administrator fee 8 drachmas;;The total for the day 20 drachmas;;Te 7th of the same (month);;Pakysis, son of Panesneus, grandson of Pakysis, mother Tapetheus, the administrator fee 4 drachmas;;Kastor, son of Petheus, grandson of Phanomgeus, mother Herakleia, the remaining the administrator fee;;Priskos, alias Pasoxis, son of Satabous, grandson of Pnepheros, mother Thermouthis, the remaining the administrator fee of the priests;;The total for the day 8 drachmas, 3 obols;;The 8th of the same (month);;Petheus, son of Petheus (wife of Perigenes);;Tax for the numbering of the guards for the 13th year 5 obols, 2 chalkoi, surcharges 0.5 obol, the total 5.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;Horion, son of Phasis, grandson of Esouris, mother Tanomgeus, watch-tower [ ];;Eudas, son of Sambas, grandson of Petheus, mother Ammonous, [ ]. Drachmas[ ];;Ammonis, son of Psenamounis, (Pa. [ . . . . .]u);;{in the left margin: 12 drachmas,, 12 obols} orchard tax for the 12th year apomoira 2 drachmas, 3.5 obols, tax on the produce of olive oil 2.5 obols, naubion 2 obols, surcharges 4 obols;;eparourion 1 drachma, 4.5 obols, surcharges 1 obol, kollybos 0.5 obol, 2 drachmas, the total 6 drachmas, 2 chalkoi;;geometria for the 12th year 6 drachmas, 2.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, surcharges 2.5 obols, the total 6 drachmas, 5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;Athenion, son of Pyrrhos, grandson of Athenion, mother Tasoucharion, [ ];;Chairemon, son of Apitas, grandson of Kastor, mother Sambous, guard tax 5 drachmas, watch-tower 7 drachmas, the total 12 drachmas;;The total for the day 48 drachmas, 14 obols;;The 9th of the same (month);;Mystharion, son of Diodoros, grandson of Hatris, mother Zoidous, w[atch-tower ];;Heraklas, bastard, mother Taonnophr[is ];;Horion, the son, mother Demarous [ ];;Heraklas, bastard, cultivator in the 92nd cleruchy for conveyance of sheaves for the 13th year the property of Maik[enatiane 6 dirty drachmas];;Julia Gemella;;{in the left margin: 136 drachmas, 8 obols, which are my deposit} orchard tax for the 12th year a[pomoira tax on the produce of olive oil naubion surcharges ];;eparourion surcharges kollybos , the total ];;{in the left margin: 100 drachmas, from Sarap()} [ ];;[ ].�ǥ