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APIS Translation (English)

�ǣ(Column). 104;Chairemon, son of Pnepheros, grandson of Satabous, mother Tkollauthis, 4 drachmas, the administrator fee 12 drachmas;;Heras, son of Melanas and Pasion, son of Phasis, cultivators in the 24th cleruchy;;{in the left margin: 44 drachmas, 24 obols} for conveyance of sheaves of the property of Antonisne, 32 dirty drachmas;;the same for the property of Senekanes 8 dirty drachmas;;taxes on the productive costal land for the 13th year apomoira 1 drachma, 3.5 obols, naubion 1 obol, surcharges 2 obols, 2 chalkoi;;eparourion 1 drachma, 0.5 obol, surcharges 0.5 obol, 2 chalkoi, kollybos 0.5 obol, the total 3 drachmas, 2.5 obols;;the fourth of geometria 2 drachmas, surcharges 1 obol, the total 2 drachmas, 1 obol;;Petheus, son of Petheus, grandson of Phaesis (Melanas, son of Kolo());;{in the left margin: 12 drachmas} orchard tax for the 12th year apomoira 5 drachmas, tax on the produce of olive oil 4 obols, 2 chalkoi, naubion 3 obols, surcharges 1 drachma, 1.5 obols;;eparourion 3 drachmas, 2 obols, surcharges 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, kollybos 1 obol, 2 chalkoi, the total 11 drachmas, 1.5 obols, 2chalkoi;;Petheus, son of Petsoraipis, grandson of Petsoraipis, mother Taseus, guard tax 4 drachmas, watch-tower 4 drachmas, the total 8 drachmas;;Gaios Valerios Paulinos (son of Paulinos);;{in the left margin: 72 drachmas, my deposit 40 drachmas} orchard tax for the 12th year apomoira 14 drachmas, 3.5 obols, tax on the produce of olive oil 2 drachmas, 0.5 obol, naubion 1 drachma, 3 obols, surcharges 3 drachmas, 4 obols;;eparourion 9 drachmas, 5 obols, surcharges 4.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, kollybos 3 obols, 2 chalkoi, the total 33 drachmas;;geometria for the 12th year 36 drachmas, surcharges 2 drachmas, 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, the total 38 drachmas, 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;Phanomgeus, son of Phanomgeus (Turbo son of Titinsambas);;{in the left margin: 32 drachmas, 24 obols} geometria for the 12th year 32 drachmas, 5 obols, surcharges 2 drachmas, 0.5 obol, the total 34 drachmas, 5.5 obols;;Petheus, son of Ischyrion, grandson of Pasoknopaios, mother Tepheros, 8 drachmas;;Horion, son of Petoraipis, grandson of Demas, mother Sambathion, 8 drachmas, the administrator fee 12 drachmas, 28 obols;;The total for the day1848 drachmas, 17 obols, deposit of Sarap() 120 drachmas;;The 14th of the same (month);;Gaios Longinus Apolinarius through Longinus Thermoutharion (Moros);;{in the left margin: 268 drachmas, 4 obols} orchard tax for the 12th year apomoira 35 drachmas, 2.5 obols, tax on the produce of olive oil 5 drachmas, 1.5 obol, naubion 3 drachma, 3.5 obols, surcharges 8 drachmas, 4 obols;;eparourion 23 drachmas, 4 obols, surcharges 2 obols, kollybos 1 drachma, 2 obols, the total 79 drachmas, 5.5 obols;;geometria for the 12th year 177 drachmas, surcharges 11 drachmas, 0.5 obol, the total 188 drachmas, 0.5 obol;;Gaios Julius Satornilus (daughter of Teksouis);;orchard tax for the 12th year apomoira 13 drachmas, 5 obols, tax on the produce of olive oil 2 drachmas, naubion 1 drachma, 2.5 obols, surcharges 3 drachmas, 2.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;eparourion 9 drachmas, 1.5 obols, surcharges 4.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, kollybos 3 obols, 2 chalkoi, the total 31 drachmas, 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;Aphrodous, bastard (Sabinus son of Valens);;{in the left margin: 52 drachmas, 7 obols, 52 drachmas, 14 obols} orchard tax for the 12th year apomoira 5 drachmas, 0.5 obol, tax on the produce of olive oil 4.5 obols, naubion 3 obols, 2 chalkoi, surcharges 1 drachma, 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi;;eparourion 6 drachmas, 3.5 obols, kollybos 1.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, the total 15 drachmas, 2 obols, 2 chalkoi;;geometria for the 12th year 25 drachmas, 2.5 obols, surcharges 1 drachma, 3.5 obols, 2 chalkoi, the total 27 drachmas, 2 chalkoi;;naubion of the katoikoi for the 13th year 3.5 obols, surcharges 0.5 obols, kollybos 2 chalkoi, 4 obols, 2 chalkoi.�ǥ